Külföldi torrent oldalak FreshonTV | TvT News

A témát ebben részben 'Archívum' Dred hozta létre. Ekkor: 2016. március 22..

  1. Dred /

    2012. április 05.
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    Freshon.TV News
    2016-03-22 - Bills 3.0


    Dear TvTorrents users, sadly, we didn't receive as much donations as we had hoped for. Because of this we, the TvT staff, were forced to pay the bills from our own pockets to keep the tracker alive.
    Let's all mobilize and help each other now by donating via PayPal & Bitcoins.

    You have all the infos about how to donate here-> News page-> https://freshon.tv/index.php

    PS: For transparency reasons the news page will be updated daily with the money raised up to that point. Once the required amount is reached, we will stop asking for donations! Thanks in advance!

    -TvT Staff


    Dragi useri TvTorrents, cu parere de rau, ultima runda de donatii nu a mers prea bine,iar din aceasta cauza, staff-ul TvT a facut sacrificii ca sa tina acest site/tracker in viata, platind din buzunarele proprii.
    Haideti sa ne mobilizam cu totii si sa ajutam fiecare cum poate. Puteti dona prin PayPal, Bitcoins si prin transfer bancar (cont in RON).

    Toate informatiile legate de cum puteti dona, le gasiti aici-> News page-> https://freshon.tv/index.php

    PS: zilnic o sa updatam pagina News cu suma stransa pana in momentul respectiv. Odata atinsa suma necesara, donatiile se vor opri.Va multumim anticipat!

    -TvT Staff