Külföldi torrent oldalak GazelleGames.net | GGn GazelleGames Goes 8bit for its 8th Birthday!

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' bincy hozta létre. Ekkor: 2018. március 15..

  1. bincy /

    2012. augusztus 24.
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    Eight years is quite a long time. In that time we have had a few waves of hamsters to run the wheels that keep the site going, and although they sometimes slip up, theyve been doing a damn fine job. Whats more incredible is this amazing community, the users, who really keep this place alive with all of their uploads and participation across the site and IRC. You are GazelleGames in its essence! The site has had a plethora of new things added to it with the gold and items systems and its really shone over the last year. Its truly fantastic to see everyone enjoying taking part.

    To celebrate this wonderful time weve had, and as a toast to many more years to come, we have a few goodies for you all! You may have noticed the gift box in this post. Clicking it will award you with a GGn Birthday Giftbox, containing a 20% Off Coupon and 8000 Gold, as well as two randomised buffs selected from a subset of special birthday items including buffs for Upload/Download, Forum Posts, IRC Lines, Gold and Requests. We hope you get some good use out of the Birthday Bonus. Claim your gift here!

    This generous offer will not last forever, users will have a generous two weeks to claim their prize, after which they will miss out. So make sure you grab it now and open that bad boy up in your inventory!

    P.S. Dont forget that Pro Gamers+ can trade! If you arent a fan of your birthday gift, consider trading with someone else for something that suits you better.

    GGn Staff