Külföldi torrent oldalak GiroTorrent | GT GiroTorrent News : Merry Christmas 2023

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' ForsakenFear hozta létre. Ekkor: 2023. december 19..

  1. ForsakenFear /

    2023. október 21.
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    Merry Christmas 2023

    Anyone who wants to wish you a Christmas greeting click on the image below (See on site)

    And Christmas 2023 is also about to arrive...
    This year too there has been no shortage of the many problems that now surround us, including inflation, increases, a crazy climate, wars that are breaking out again in many parts of the world, in short, all problems that, especially for adults, make the Christmas atmosphere that was felt decades ago feel less magical.

    Instead, Christmas truly means a little moreover . . . much more . . . We hope that each of you can have a peaceful Christmas. . . and that despite adverse situations we can rediscover at least a little of that magic that these days brought with them and return at least for a few hours to those carefree Christmases when we were children.

    Let's talk a little about our beloved Girotorrent...

    This year too there was no shortage of difficult moments, also given the various increases for the servers, new subscriptions that we had to redo due to the closure of a historic site... in short, there was no shortage of difficulties.With the most sincere best wishes from all the STAFF we say to you all MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS from GIROTORRENT

    We won't bore you with the usual appeal to freeloaders, in fact for some time we have set limits to those who only want to take advantage at the expense of those who dip into their pockets to support us, but we want to say 1000 and 1000 times thanks to who responded PRESENT during the various moments of difficulty and understands that only united will our path continue in the future.