Külföldi torrent oldalak Cathode Ray.tube | CRT Halloween Upload Contest!

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' CF dealer hozta létre. Ekkor: 2021. október 03..

  1. CF dealer / Tulajdonos Vezetőségi tag

    2011. június 15.
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    October is upon us. That means one thing, Halloween will soon be here!

    Here we go folks! Our second contest here at CRT!

    Rules are simple. If we reach a total of 150 Halloween-themed torrents uploaded by the end of October 24th, all participants will get 10 tokens as a reward. That's right, all you need to get the reward is to participate with at least one upload. But remember, the total between all participants must reach 150 approved uploads to unlock it.

    Even sweeter, if we hit 250 Halloween-themed uploads in the same timeframe, the last week of October will be sitewide freeleech unlocked for everyone! Easy peasy!

    Content* that we will accept:

    Thriller/Horror Movies
    Halloween Themed Specials
    Cartoons that fit...Beetlejuice, My Pet Monster, Monster In My Pocket, Scooby Doo...etc

    All content should be uploaded to it's respective category. Use the Misc category if your content doesn't fit anywhere else.

    Same posting guidelines as the WOC contest, please create one reply to this post and edit it as you add content. Once we hit 150 uploads, we will award everyone that contributed with 10 tokens. If we hit the 250 goal, one week FL for everyone at the end of the month!

    Let's get spooky, CRT!

    *Staff reserves the right to reject uploads if we deem they don't fit the "Halloween" theme. If you are unsure, please submit a staff ticket or ask in IRC before uploading.

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