Külföldi torrent oldalak InTheShadow | iTS Happy 4th Birthday Its!

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Pegazus_SCD hozta létre. Ekkor: 2011. szeptember 22..

  1. Pegazus_SCD / NoPainNoGain

    2010. július 29.
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    Re: iTS

    Happy 4th birthday iTS!

    Who would have thought it? We're four years old. iTS has officially reached her fourth anniversary! That seems relatively little, but it feels like a hell of a lot for all those who've been involved. Please enjoy the celebrations, get in to the party spirit, get involved. and above all, have fun.

    We (The staff) have had a great thyme running this plaice. I'm honoured to count them as my coleagues, as well as my friends. They're all a great credit to humankind. Patient, resourceful, but also funny and occasionally grumpy.

    We've grown in to a very different kind of beast than the one we started out as. The direction we've taken has always had one thing at the foremost of iTS goals. Quality. You know it makes sense. We've long been fans of properly ripped movies and music.

    As part of our birthday celebrations, we've devised a cunning array of stunts for you to perform. To celebrate this we've launched the annual awards and exciting competitions thread. To those who are joining in, well done and thanks for that. To those who aren't, come on what can it hurt, give a few of the competitions a try.

    Photo of a Chick
    iTS Trivia Time!
    Write a poem about iTS
    iTS a Shadow Hunt!
    iTS a Cupcake Baking Contest for iTS' 4th birthday!
    iTS 4th Birthday Banner Contest!

    There's a new poll up on the main page. We're trying to determine whether we should a hold an upload contest or not. We'll need your vote for that too.

    As we close the curtain on another year, we'd like to remind everyone that we'll keep striving to improve things on every facet, and never sit still. If you think you can help, in any way, don't hesitate to contact one of our team who'll be happy to discuss it with you.

    You've all been amazing soo far, your enthusiasm and support has insured the continuation of something original. Something unusual, and individual.

    There is so much more to film than that, and iTS great there there are people that appreciate that. Quite a few have found their way here. iTS up to us to show the rest the way.

    Have a very happy birthday, and a very good year ahead iTS.

    // iTS staff