Külföldi torrent oldalak Anthelion (TehConnection/Teh) | ANT Happy Birthday, Tehconnection !

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. május 26..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    Happy Birthday, TehConnection !
    We are officially five years old! We're stoked to be able to celebrate our birthday with the wonderful users who make this place so awesome. Much

    If you're an old fogey member, sign in to our Member For Five Years? thread in the forums and post your fondest memory.

    We're celebrating five years with five days of awesome. Starting now.

    Fire up your hard drives, pray for your routers, and check your watch queues. First up on our list is a site-wide freeleech!
    This will continue for all five days of the celebration.

    Five Hit Combo

    You will find a special birthday gift box on your profile page each day during the celebration.
    Click it and you will receive 5 GB of upload credit and 1 invite.
    The gift box will keep showing up again, 24 hours after you click it, until the birthday celebration is over.

    New Rules In Place

    The new rules are in full force, including the new user class system,
    and seeding size data is now being recorded every hour so we can calculate your average seeding size. Fire up all your torrents now!

    Code Updates
    Each day this week, we will unveil new updates and improvements to TehConnection!
    Post in the Suggestions Thread if you have ideas you think we could implement quickly!

    720p Upload Contest
    Lastly, we are announcing an upload contest! This contest will run for all five days of the birthday celebration.
    Anything and everything 720p (within the rules) will be counted. The winners are in for some sweet prizes:
    First Place
    Pro VPS (750GB) for a month free! Thanks to SeedVPS.com.
    You will become the first member of the Uploader class!
    Second Place
    Basic VPS (500GB) for a month free! Thanks to SeedVPS.com.
    Custom Title of your choosing.
    Third Place
    Mini VPS (250GB) for a month free! Thanks to SeedVPS.com.
    Custom title of your choosing.

    In addition to the main prizes, we will offer the top ten uploaders a custom title. Check out the leaderboard to see who's winning!
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