Külföldi torrent oldalak Pedro's BTMusic / xbtmusic | Pedro Happy Hours Aftermath (important)

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. március 19..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    Happy Hours Aftermath (important)

    We all just experienced a week like no other. Of course there was the almost unfathomable transfer of data, the fulfillment of our wildest wishes. Who knows how much of what we all grabbed will never be heard. But we know it’s there, just waiting. No doubt, one hell of a week.

    A week which was also a technical nightmare: the wear and tear on the tracker, the staff, and the well-being of the site. In short the effect may be no other period of FreeLeech ever, certainly not a week of unbridled greed. Never has there been such extreme tracker abuse - mis-managed clients, popular lack of common sense, disregard for staff’s time and good intentions. Too many users demonstrated they have no true understanding of their clients. Every interaction between client and tracker is a process with which the tracker must deal - tens of thousands upon thousands of useless processes loaded upon the resources. Staff received too many histrionic PMs for impossible permissions, unmanageable situations, and unrealistic expectations.

    And most importantly, the site has taken a financial hit like never before: We received a 1/3 of normal donations we usually have at this time of the month, thus threatening paying the month’s bill.

    Hence, do not get hysterical with your thanks how awesome we are. If you want to show your true appreciation donate so we can cover our hosting costs and for the love of god, learn at least the basics about this mysteriously alien technology called BitTorrent, foremost its part at your ends called clients.

    As far as we enjoyed the intensity of those Happy Hours, we collectively feel strongly discouraged from organising anything similar in the future.

    For those less smart and/or nowhere proficient at comprehension of written text, a simple version of what's above: TO SHOW APPRECIATION: DONATE + LEARN YOUR CLIENTS

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