Külföldi torrent oldalak AsianDVDClub | ADC Happy New Year!

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2014. január 19..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    Happy New Year!
    New user classes
    Today we are happy to announce a major overhaul of the user class system on ADC. This overhaul has been a very long time coming and many of the key changes in it have been heavily requested by ADC members. In addition to the more cosmetic changes, the overhaul outright eliminates or at least reduces some restrictions that have been in place for years. The most important aspects of the overhaul are summarized below, while the exact numbers for each class's requirements can be seen in this FAQ entry.

    1. Only members who have uploaded torrents can be promoted to the uploader classes. This was easily the most requested of the changes. Now when you see someone identified on the site as an "Uploader" you can be sure that they have actually uploaded torrents for our community.
    2. There are many more classes available that members can reach and brag about. Reaching Power User is easy enough for most folks willing to share - even those with slow connections - but reaching Monster User will require significantly more time and effort, to say nothing of reaching Monster Uploader.
    3. The minimum ratio required to reach a class has been lowered for most of the revamped classes and been kept fairly low for the new classes. The highest minimum ratio for any of the classes is only 1.2. We see high ratio requirements as a detriment to sharing and a factor which encourages people to hoard ratio instead of downloading what they want. We went with far more reasonable ratio requirements than most other trackers because we like sharing and figure you guys probably do too. That's why you're here, right? The ratio requirements are also lower for the uploader classes, in part because they have contributed in ways beyond uploading data.
    4. The requirements for the classes are now orientated on download stats to encourage people to download and not focus so much on hoarding their ratio. As a consequence, members who regularly upload torrents but only occasionally download any will not progress through classes as quickly as members who both upload and download regularly.
    5. Leech slot restrictions are a thing of the past. For the most part. Only members who have recently joined via the application process will have any slot restrictions. After a few weeks, which hopefully will be enough time for them to become familiar with how things work on ADC, these members will be automatically promoted and gain unlimited leech slots. All other members are granted unlimited leech slots from the get go, so you no longer need to be concerned about very slow and/or semi-dead torrents using up your slots. For those of you who like to straddle the warning line, the restriction on leech slots for warned members has also been removed. Be good!
    There are a few additional minor things to note about the changes. First, only recently active accounts will now be promoted. Inactive members get to remain Rookies until they visit the site again. Consequently, there will be quite a few Rookies in the early days, with their numbers slowly dropping off as time passes. Second, members who were very naughty and got banned will be marked as Rookies for as long as their accounts remain. Finally, those of you who have contributed enough to meet the requirements for the higher classes will have received multiple automated promotion PMs - one for each class as you were promoted up to your current class. Don't worry, this was a one-time event. You will not receive a flood of such PMs unless you repeatedly get yourself promoted and demoted.
    Given the scope of these changes, it may take a little while to become accustomed to the new classes, especially since the User and Uploader classes have new meanings and many members around the site will be marked as Rookies or even as Newbies, at least for the time being. But we think the changes will make it easier to recognize major contributors to our community, particularly those who take the time to upload torrents for everyone else, as well as providing goals for sharing that everyone can try to reach.
    Uploader's Choice Celebration
    To help start the new year off with a bang, we are holding our third Uploader's Choice Celebration. The 50 most prolific uploaders of 2013 will each get the opportunity to golden some torrents of their choosing for a full month, with the number of choices available to them roughly corresponding to how many torrents they uploaded during the year. For more information on the celebration or to simply participate in some well-wishing, check out the Uploader's Choice Celebration 2013 thread.
    To see all of the torrents that have been chosen for this occasion (and thus made golden), click on this link. When viewing one of the chosen torrents, remember to click the "Check for other torrents of ..." link that appears under the title so you can view all torrents of that movie/series. For some movies and series, more than one of its torrents have been made golden, so it's definitely a good idea to check these torrents.
    This celebration is our way of rewarding the entire ADC community while also highlighting these amazing uploaders who have contributed so much. ADC wouldn't be the awesome place it is without them. Thanks to all of you for making 2013 such a great year, and let's strive to make 2014 even better!