Külföldi torrent oldalak Pirates of the UK | PotUK Happy Ratio Free Christmas to all!

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' CF dealer hozta létre. Ekkor: 2018. január 03..

  1. CF dealer / Tulajdonos Vezetőségi tag

    2011. június 15.
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    Ok.. We have changed the multipliers for various usergroups

    Everyone in the Pirate and stowaway groups now get 2X upload globally across all forums.. so everything you upload, youll get double the amount added to your main stats (not on a per torrent basis in the thread views, they report the accurate stats)

    In All groups it is also 0 Download stats.

    Cutthroats and Elite/Vip Members

    You get 4X upload to anything you upload anywhere on the forum.. and if you do in elite, that also gets multiplied by the current multipliers.. so elite section where it says free X 3.. youll get credited 12X in those sections

    in these two groups, youll also get ratio free access across the board globally.

    Happy Xmas to all.

    These settings have been put into effect immediately and should you wish them to take effect, you may need to stop and restart your torrents you currently have running.

    This will be this way until the 7th of janurary, and anyone who upgrades to elite in the meantime can also take advantage of the elites much better deal.

    We hope you all have a cracking Christmas and wish you all a happy new year too...

    Merry Xmas
    From all the Staff at PotUK

    Ps Unfortunately I have lost the Christmas Skin, and have no plans to reinstall it as it had many custom tracker skin edits, and i just dont have the time.. Sorry