Külföldi torrent oldalak HD-Torrents | HDT News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dred hozta létre. Ekkor: 2015. március 19..

  1. Dred /

    2012. április 05.
    Kapott lájkok:
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    New Bonus Points System

    Bonus Points system is renewed! So everybody will receive what he deserves depending from size and numbers of torrents seeding. Also a bonus points will be given for torrents with small number of seeders. We hope with that new system retention of torrents will be improved. So below you can read the for what you get points for:

    What do I get bonus points for?

    You receive for every hour the system is registering you as a seeder 0.008 bonus points per torrent.
    You receive for every hour the system is registering you as a seeder 0.002 bonus points per every GB you seed.
    You receive for every hour the system is registering you as a seeder 0.016 bonus points per every torrent with
    2 or less seeders and 3 or more snatches.
    VIP members receive additional 25% more bonus points for seeding.
    For every request you fill you will receive 10 seed bonus points.
    For every subtitles you add, you will receive 0.1 seed bonus points.

    In My Panel you can see the number and size of the torrents you are seeding. Also "Unique" - this is torrent you are seeding with 2 or less seeders and 3 or more snatches. Keep this torrents seeded you receive big bonus for them!

    If you wonder why your Bonus Points number decreased it is because of the new system. We reduced your point by 25% to calibrate the new exchange rates. So you did not lose anything!

    If you wonder if we will bring back invite to bonus points exchange we will not. Invites are for inviting new members and not to trade them for an upload credit.