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A témát ebben részben 'Archívum' Dred hozta létre. Ekkor: 2015. augusztus 09..

  1. Dred /

    2012. április 05.
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    New Additions

    Our awesome site coder has made some additions to the site, So I thought I would take the time to share them with you, Our newest addition is the "Cooker", It displays Upcoming releases, and you have the ability to be notified, via pm. when your delicious recipe has been prepared, all located on the index of the site, or you can take a look Here .Also Uploader classes, and up have the ability to add their delicious recipes as well, If you have a release that is being uploaded that you have added to the cooker, just click the drop down portion on the upload page the says "cooking", and choose your release, that way Pms will be sent to anyone that was interested in your release, Please Do Not Delete Your Recipes, we have a script in place that will do that upon the initial upload as long, as you choose your release, in the drop down Cooking portion, of the upload page.

    Also we have a Schedule now , located right next to Games, it has TV listings, with Channels, Times, and Program information, for all currently airing shows,Upon visiting the Schedule, you can click the Channel icon and will be linked to learn about the channel, you can click the episodes listed, to learn about any show you see listed, If you see a Banner of a show, its already on the site , you can click the banner, and you will be linked to all torrents , that match that series, If you see a green check mark, and it is a show you are interested in, click the checkmark you will be linked to a request area, where you can request the show.Also their is a rss feed option located to the right of every listing, you can click it and it is a direct link to an rss feed for that series.The Schedule is located Here

    In addition the Ajax Chat has been integrated with the Trivia Channel, just click the drop down portion of the Ajax Chat and choose Trivia , you can start Trivia with !trivia , and stop it with !strivia. This channel is also synced with the irc channel.Enjoy. note: you will never get a right answer playing from the chat, pretty much can watch, so if you really would like to join the fun, visit the irc trivia channel @ #hd4free-trivia

    Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I hope you enjoy these new additions