Külföldi torrent oldalak HDChina | HDC News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dred hozta létre. Ekkor: 2015. december 15..

  1. Dred /

    2012. április 05.
    Kapott lájkok:
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    Related functions on the recent H & R's doubts...

    We are writing this announcement just to indicate that the H&R is still under testing and you will not be disabled if your H&R reach 10.

    If you don't want to receive the H&R notification anymore, just go to here to disable the notification.

    If you want to clear up all the H&R that you received,
    1. click here and redeem your bonus into the chance to erase the H&R you got(the 13th item, waiting to translate the description, sorry...).
    2.keep seeding for the torrent you downloaded for 300 hrs within 90 days, and the H&R wiill be disappeared by itself once the requirement has achieved.

    Wanna know which torrent generated H&R? Subscribe this link to get the list:
    https: // hdchina.club/ torrentrss.php? linktype= dl&passkey =xxx
    (replace “xxx” with your passkey)
    So you can download them and vanish H&R.

    For now, we are still discussing about this function and we welcome all of you to submit your thought to our Admin box. We will notify you once the H&R starts running.

    Please, seed our torrent AS LONG AS YOU CAN.

    At last, donation will be opened soon. Please support our Club generously :tef293:
    =====HDChina Staff=====