Külföldi torrent oldalak HDChina | HDC News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dred hozta létre. Ekkor: 2016. február 17..

  1. Dred /

    2012. április 05.
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    2016.02.17 - HDChina公告事项数则 Important Announcement

     在新的一年,网站还是在基于可持续发展的情况下,将会继续为各位会员服务,提供高质高产的资源。以下是数 条公告,请各位仔细阅读:

    1、网站将在2016年3月1日,从2015年10月1日之后未登陆过的会员,进行封禁操作,并在2016 年4月1日开始清理会员;从即日起至4月1日作为缓冲期,这些用户若不能登录,请发送邮件到HDChina .Club@gmail.com,并进行解封操作。逾时不候;
    4、H&R正式关闭,将来只做为记录使用,如果还是收到相关H&R信息,请到控制面板,选择关闭“接收可能 获得H&R的提醒PM消息”即可。我们还是建议会员们做种至少36小时(网站会逐步去除相关内 容);
    5、关于上方捐赠状态条减少:减少代表有支出,例如每个月服务器、购碟费用的支出会直接体现在状态条上。状 态条满血了也会继续接收捐赠,捐赠回馈详情请按我;
    6、网站已新增豆瓣信息关闭选项,如果用户不需要豆瓣评分信息,点我到“种子详情页面”即可关闭 ;
    7、HDChina禁止使用共享IP的盒子。如果你正在使用此类盒子,请你立刻停止使用,否则你的账号会被 警告甚至被禁用。目前暂时不登记盒子;
    8、请不要使用GAE或者其他代理访问我们的tracker,否则你的账号会收到警告。红种并非没有解决方 法,如果你的客户端红种,请参看此贴 或 到新手学习区,携带你的网络环境、客户端显示的错误信息发帖求助。


      Cheers to all who stick with HDChina in the past few month. We will continue to improve the content on our tracker. Here is a few announcement:

    1. HDChina will starts to disable the users who still haven't login after October 1, 2015. We will delete these account on April 1, 2016. These user still have chance to reinstate their account before April 1 by sending an email to HDChina.Club@gmail.com and follow the instruction in the auto-reply. We will not accept any application after April 1, 2016.
    2.The new user rule will be effected from April 1, 2016:
    1.Nexus Master would never be deleted.
    2.Ultimate User or above would never be deleted if packed (at User CP).
    3.Packed accounts would be deleted if users have not logged in for more than 180 days in a row.
    4.Unpacked accounts would be deleted if users have not logged in for more than 45 days in a row.
    5.Accounts with both uploaded and downloaded amount being 0 would be deleted if users have not logged in for more than 7 days in a row.
    3. All the invitation will be expired after 12 hours;
    4. Hit and Run system has shutdown. We will continue to collect data for analyzing. If you still receiving H&R message, click me and uncheck "Accept H&R PM" in the personal setting. Your account WILL NOT be disabled even if you had 10 or more H&R record;
    5. The status bar on the top of the site reflects the progress for funding HDChina. We are now accepting BitCoin for donation, click me to see how it works;
    6. HDChina does not allow any shared IP seedbox. Please stop using these seedbox as soon as possible or you will be disabled.

    ====HDChina Staff====