Külföldi torrent oldalak HDSky | HDS Hdsky Mobile Video Production Team Hdspad Sincere Suppression Personnel Recruitment

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2014. június 23..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    HDSky mobile video production team HDSPad sincere suppression personnel recruitment

    For faster and better as we provide more high-quality mobile video, HDSky expect to recruit a number of mobile video repression staff, welcome HDSkyer join!

    Join requirements:
    1 has a sense of responsibility and a sense of belonging for HDSky, HD enthusiasts love this back garden;
    2. Learning ability! Especially to self, will search for and ability to solve problems independently;
    3 Software used mostly English software, which requires a certain degree of basic English;
    4 There MEGUI priority repression experienced by someone without experience to guide

    Join Treatment:
    1 without going through an audit, the direct release of resources;
    (2) You can see the true identity of the anonymous user;
    3 has a management group Uploader membership mark;
    4 monthly payment of wages by the management group (initially set 5w magic in January, the more rewards the more pressing work);
    5 internal communication, irregular work incentives, and extensive network of resources to team members sharing a potential treatment;
    6 HDSPad dedicated and diligent team members, after the retirement pension granted to family or VIP status.

    Registration to apply:
    Aspiring to join the trouble PM zhoufu1989: zhoufu1989

    HDSky Management Group