Külföldi torrent oldalak DVDSeed | DSD Hírek

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' bincy hozta létre. Ekkor: 2020. december 14..

  1. bincy /

    2012. augusztus 24.
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    Dear DS Users,

    Today, registration will close and invitations will be turned off indefinitely.

    For one more week - until December 20, 2020 - the donations panel will be open.

    This is the last chance to support the website and, at the same time, gain access to Christmas insertions and take advantage of the bonuses available for donations.

    A brief explanation for new DVDSEED users: The site is maintained by Club Members all year round. Once a year / during the Christmas and New Year period / we activate the donation panel visible to all, only then people from outside the DS Club can send donations to the website.

    The funds raised during this time are allocated to the purchase of films that during the year, for various reasons (usually financial), did not appear on the website. There are usually more premieres in December than in any other month. During this time, we can afford larger purchases, order materials on CUSTOMY and put it all on the site for you.

    That is why we encourage everyone to join the Campaign.

    Subsidies can be paid to the account: here
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