Külföldi torrent oldalak PreToMe | PTM How Do You Want It ?

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. június 28..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    How Do you Want It ?

    Congratulations everyone!

    There's enough money in the kitty to keep our current systems, paid for until the end of next month.

    In response to a few PMs about staffing , could i point out the following:
    Rather than PM Me, if you could write about it that would be great.

    Staff all use IRC to communicate you would be expected to idle in the staff and user channels.
    All staff should be available for at least an hour each day for staffing duties ( based on a week's average )
    To answer a couple questions in one msg....

    The majority of the work for JuniorStaff is helping users Via IRC #help, making adjustments to user accounts to help when passkeys are locked etc. reading and responding to StaffBox messages and taking part in staff meetings to discuss the direction of the site and its operation.

    The majority of the work of the SeniorStaff is much of the same, but these people also deal with more risky areas, account bans and account warnings etc, they generally have the same responsibilities as the JunionStaff but more powers in which to affect change.

    SiteOperators / SiteOps Oversee all the above while using the tools and functions set up by the SysOps they often host staff meetings discover and solve problems and issues as they arise. When two or more Junior or Senior Staff disagree about the action to take on any one user it's normal for a SiteOp to make a ruling decision.

    SystemOperators / SysOps Generaly do not handle day to day functions of the site, their area of responsibility is to make sure all the staff have the right tools to do their jobs, all the systems are running as they should be and where any problem occurs make changes / rewrites to the site to allow for the continued smooth operation of the site and all its required components. When there is a disagreement of any sort, these people have the last word.

    Old news:

    As we approach the end of the month we have to assess the monthly bills "yawn" i know.. again right ?
    These bills happen every 30 odd days, so no wonder we're always bringing it up!

    This month was especially hard for us all.

    The automated (paypal linked) donation meter has

    not even reached 40% arg!

    ( at the time of writing )

    We the staff of the site have to consider the user base,
    what they can afford in donations Vs what kind of setup and speeds we can offer.
    The idea being, if you provide a great service?
    There should be no problems getting donations to support the direct costs of that service.
    This month is turning out to be a bit of a test,
    If we can not reach 100% by the 29th
    PTM will have to stop one of its main servers.

    (This server provides the speed and longevity of all scene torrents on site.
    The billing agreement is monthly and unless paid the server will offline itself around midnight on the 29th. )

    We put it to you , the users of PTM Are We asking to much of you?
    If you want to change the site in such a way that we steer away from fast torrents, the staff will adjust the server layout to work in a much cheaper way.
    Sometimes I fear our desire for 'faster faster' might be drowning out the peoples / the users needs and desires....

    Argg, one last point to make , on the 1st of each month (after all the bills are paid)
    this meter is reset back to 0$ again. This will still happen on the 1st.. So we've still got that to look forward to.
    ...Mmm no other news at this time, i'l probably be reminded of something by the staff as soon as I post this.. alizilla.

    arg, yeh one last point to make:

    As ever should you feel the need to get involved with staffing at this site ? Post in the (relevant) forums , new ideas new views and opinions are always welcomed.