Külföldi torrent oldalak HaitangPT | HTPT HTPT News : Recruitment for breeders has ended, thank you all for your enthusiastic registration.

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' ForsakenFear hozta létre. Ekkor: 2023. december 09..

  1. ForsakenFear /

    2023. október 21.
    Kapott lájkok:
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    Hangjelzés a Chaten:
    Recruitment for breeders has ended, thank you all for your enthusiastic registration.

    When you receive this message, it means that the recruitment of breeders has ended, but it does not mean that you cannot protect the breed. Logically, every PTer has the responsibility to protect the breed at all stations; but too much pressure is attached to entertainment things. It has become boring, so we appeal to everyone for the long-term development of the site and hope that you can "try your best" to preserve species at any site.
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    There is no way to solve the opera resolution problem that everyone has been struggling with. This thing was originally a popular thing in the "Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period"; it is no better than the current cross talk. You can make money by being in the circle, so you can release 4K videos from time to time. Just search and download low-resolution videos on Baidu and you need to recharge the VIP of the Opera Station. After that, I will give you a Baidu Netdisk link so that you can recharge Baidu Netdisk VP. Follow this promotion. As the method develops, older people will lose interest. So why does the invitation code of Xianyu Station sell for 50, and Haitang can be sold for 90? [em4]
    But some people say that if you increase the invitation level to VIP, it is not to hinder people who like opera from entering the site. It is not to

    collect sponsorship fees, which is the same as those opera download sites. What's the difference?
    We raised the invitation level to VIP because someone sold invitation codes, so we had to raise the level; and there are many VIPs that this site can invite, and they are all given when the site is opened and resources are released; this time we have recruited many breeders /Publishers also have hierarchical rights to issue invitations.
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    Finally, let’s talk about the lack of variety in some operas. As I said before, if you need any resources, you can seek them on the forum or Q group; or you can directly send a message to purchase the resources. Link us to purchase the release. If no one posts in response to requests, the poster is just posting randomly without any purpose.
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    Note: Taking into account special playback equipment such as jukeboxes, it must be converted to MP4 or MP3 format when publishing
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    Warning: If the download volume of this site is greater than 100G, and the share rate is lower than 0.2, it will be immediately banned by the system
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    tell : The opera resources on this site are permanently free if they are larger than 30GB, and only 50% of the download volume will be counted if they are smaller than 30GB
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    Note: It is strictly prohibited to reprint VIP paid content to this site. Elderly health exchange group: *****