Külföldi torrent oldalak HaitangPT | HTPT HTPT News : This site sincerely invites a large number of breeders.

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' ForsakenFear hozta létre. Ekkor: 2023. december 06..

  1. ForsakenFear /

    2023. október 21.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    Hangjelzés a Chaten:
    In order to facilitate species conservation, the station will be exempted until 2023-12-15; (Recruiting species conservationists)

    This site sincerely invites a large number of breeders. If you need magic points, please send us an invitation!

    Preliminary instructions:
    1. Make sure that the NAS device is available for booting between 08:00-24:00 Beijing time;
    2. There is an IPV4 or IPV6 public network, and the upload bandwidth is greater than 3Mb/s per second;
    3. After joining, exit/ The number of protected seeds before retirement will never be less than 4t (limited to the "Quyuan Zatan" category);
    4. Unless there are special circumstances, the upload speed of the protected seeds must not be maliciously restricted.
    5. If there is any abnormality in the protection equipment, please send a private message to the site management to explain, or explain in the group;
    6. If you have not asked for leave for 1 month in a row, and have not applied for withdrawal, two-thirds of all magic values will be cleared;
    7. Since the date of joining, You can apply for retirement after two years. After retirement, you will keep all your magic power and be in the pension group;
    8. If you apply for withdrawal within two years, you will only retain one-half of all the magic value in your account;

    Benefits for the preservation group:
    Magic value benefit = The basic requirement is 4T = 150,000 magic power, and the number of protected species is 1T + 4W magic power.
    Invitation benefits: After joining, you can send unlimited invitations because your level is higher than VIP;
    Retirement benefits: After retirement, the outstanding seed protectors will be classified as pensioners;
    Entry station benefits : If you have the opportunity, you can be invited to your favorite site; if
    you meet the conditions and are interested in joining the species protection group, please send a private message to the administrator: admin