ICC2022 News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' ForsakenFear hozta létre. Ekkor: 2023. október 28..

  1. ForsakenFear /

    2023. október 21.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    Hangjelzés a Chaten:
    1. Because the webmaster suffered a heart attack and required hospitalization, site development, bug fixing and other work were temporarily suspended, and he had to take a break. Only basic maintenance was carried out.
    2. In the past year, the site has had a lot of expenses. Not only does it have no deposits, but it also has foreign debts... The hospital expenses are relatively large and cannot be afforded. Therefore, a limited number of permanent VIPs are launched online, 300 per copy, 50 copies in total. Please choose according to your personal situation. ~.
    3. Due to the price reduction of limited VIP, members who donated one month in the past month will have their time extended to half a year, and they can also make up the difference to upgrade to permanent VIP.
    4. tv.icc2022.com is a new online film and television sub-site of this website. It has tried its best to remove advertisements (Sony resource lines have no advertisements). It will be connected to the magic value system after a period of time, and permanent VIP viewing rights will be issued in advance. The issuance time is expected to be in November. Around the 5th.
    Note: The film and television station does not charge a fee. It only connects to the magic value system to redeem viewing rights. Donating users will receive the same time-limited viewing rights. The pop-up window of the film and television station is a deception.
    5. All badge loans will be written off on the anniversary, and no repayment is required (I can’t help you with each operation even if you are mainly hospitalized).
    6. I will think about other compensations when I feel better~
    7. Everyone, take care of your body! The dog's life is at stake!
    Donated permanent VIPs will be processed every night ~ Please be patient and be patient. If you fill in a non-gmail or ptman2022 email address when placing an order, please use the order email address to send the correct email address to InternetCommonCurrency@gmail.com