Külföldi torrent oldalak IPTorrents | IPT Invite System

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2014. január 01..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    - Invite System

    Dear IPTorrents Users

    We have regretfully announce that we have had to make change to the IPT Invite system

    Due to the amount of abuse the system has been receiving since the implementation of the H&R system we have decided to remove ALL invites from ANY account that has an Active H&R warning

    Any one that has a Current Active Warning and tries to send a Invite will meet this screen :


    The only way to lift this restriction is to remove the current H&R warnings from your account and you can learn how to do this here :

    Please read through this link HnR Q&A's

    This has not been implemented as a punishment, it has been implemented to secure the site and stop the mass abuse of our good nature. The system is meant for the influx of good users you trust, and not for the abuse that is currently happening

    All is not lost, if you do not have a current active H&R you can still send invites, if you have had H&R warnings on your account and they have expired you can still send them. they have to be active H&R showing on your account like this to stop you :


    Also, The new change encompasses the invites you send. They now have a shelf life of 3 days, if the are not accepted and set up within 3 days the invite will go dead and will be lost. In the past we have been willing out of kindness to delete the invite and re add it to your account. From today on wards this will not happen. We need you to be more careful with your invites. Tens of thousands of invites are lost monthly, this will now have to stop, the invite not used in 3 days will go dead and not be returned, we need you to be more careful

    The Invite system on IPT has always been generous and we have all had a great time inviting who we wanted. Now That time has come to an end, the invite system is not being closed permanently like many sites, we are just limiting them a little more to the users that have no H&R and send them carefully

    If you have sent an invite, and the person you sent it too cannot use it, the invite is lost, please do not message staff to ask them to do something about it because we can't, the system has been changed and a new Rule is in place

    With Regards and Best Wishes For the Holiday

    IPT Staff