Külföldi torrent oldalak AsianDVDClub | ADC Invites? What's All This Then?

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2012. december 23..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    Invites? What's all this then?
    You read that correctly: we have launched an invite system and it's now possible for members to invite other folks to join our fine community. In fact, the only way to currently become an ADC member is through an invitation from an existing member. We have disabled open registration due to increasingly heavy abuse of our rules and the community's generosity. Dealing with all of the abusers has been eating up far too much staff time lately and, for a variety of reasons, the amount of time we have available for ADC matters has been limited recently.
    So, if you know someone who wants to become a member, feel free to send them an invite. You can access the invite page through your profile - just look for the row that begins with "Invites". If you're popular enough to have run out of invites, you can ask for more in this forum thread. We may later introduce a mechanism to automatically dispense invites to members who meet certain requirements, but for now it happens through a manual process.
    Don't worry though, this is only a temporary measure. We will provide a way for friendless folks to join our community once again. Unless the world really does end today, in which case we will all have bigger fish to fry.
    Please direct feedback and suggestions about this change to this forum thread and stay tuned for some more positive news soon!