Külföldi torrent oldalak ImmortalSeed.me | IS IS- Update on uploads, and a contest for Peasants!

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2017. október 18..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    Good news to all our uploaders! *

    When uploading here you have always had to redownload the torrent to get it to seed, and it's on this part many have struggled. You no longer have to do that if you just follow these steps!

    When creating a torrent in your client:

    Copy your Announce URL that contains your passkey, which you can find in the blue field on top of the Upload page https://immortalseed.me/upload.php

    Paste the URL in the field of Torrent Properties > Trackers

    This instead of immortalseed.me/announce.php like before.

    Tick the boxes «Start seeding» and «Private Torrent»

    Push Create (and save as) and do what you normally do, and when you have uploaded the torrent,

    you'll have to Update tracker (Right-click the torrent in the client) in your torrent client in order to seed it.

    Much easier isn't it? :tef161:

    (This procedure is also posted in the Tutorial Zone immortalseed.me/ts_tutorials.php?do=show_tutorial&tid=56 with images, for future reference)

    ** All Peasants **

    Check out Ryuu's bonus points giveaway/contest here:



    1) Peasant Members only,

    2) You can only win the BPs once during the Giveaway,

    3) First 5 Recipes a day win 11,000BPs

    4) A duplicate recipe doesn't count.

    The bonus points can be exhanged into 20GB upload here: https://immortalseed.me/mybonus.php

    Good luck! He (and I, as the ultimate chocolate lover :tef318:) looks forward to some great chocolate desserts. :tef161:
