Külföldi torrent oldalak TheShow.click | TS It's Time

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. május 22..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    It's TIME






    What ARE Group Buys?

    Group Buys are a way for members of TheShow.bz to bring new content to the site. By coming together, multiple members pay a small portion of a product's cost, essentially splitting the product's cost among the group. Once the Group Buy content is ready, it is uploaded to TheShow.bz in a manner that grants GB participants first access to the material. In many cases, this is the ONLY way certain content will ever appear on TheShow (or any site where products are freely shared and distributed).

    How Do Group Buys Work?

    Members come together in a Group Buy thread to commit to paying part of a product's cost or otherwise weigh the pros and cons of group buying the product. Once a qualified organizer appears (normally when the group buy has a large number of members who've committed to contribute), members will send the organizer their portion of the funds. The organizer will then arrange for the product to be uploaded to TheShow as a torrent - where GB contributors get immediate and ratio-free access to the content! Everyone who didn't contribute to the GB must wait and don't get ratio-free access.

    Why Should I Contribute To TheShow.bz's Group Buys?

    As proven at ThePlace.bz, TheVault.bz and TheOccult.bz, the T.BZ network of sites have a strong track record with keeping orderly and effective Group Buy systems that DELIVER. Group Buying has allowed these sites to thrive beyond the limits of other sites while providing incomparable value to the participants. While anyone just getting started in a business would probably get the most value from Group Buys, even established professionals and serious hobbyists have found a great resource to stay on the cutting edge of their craft.

    Plus as odd as it sounds, Group Buys tend to form a little community of their own. Once you've taken part in a few Group Buys, you start to recognize some of the active participants. This makes Group Buys a perhaps unlikely way to make friends in your trade.

    Sounds Great! How Can I Join Group Buys?

    At TheShow.bz's OWN Group Buy forum.* [​IMG]


    Read the GB Rules and jump in when you're ready. [​IMG]

    * = Created in 1937, Restored in 2013. [​IMG]


    TheShow: Getting It Done For 75 (non-continuous) Years!



