Külföldi torrent oldalak FileList | FL La Mulți Ani, FileList! / Happy Anniversary, FileList!

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' bincy hozta létre. Ekkor: 2024. szeptember 01..

  1. bincy /

    2012. augusztus 24.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    Lakhely :


    Sărbătorim 17 ani de când FileList a prins viață. Privind în urmă, vedem nu doar o colecție de ani de aproape două decenii, ci un adevărat testament al dedicării, pasiunii și spiritului de echipă care ne-au unit și ne-au purtat înainte, iar pentru mulți dintre noi un adevărat cămin virtual. Este o zi care merită să fie onorată cu toată recunoștința și respectul cuvenit, pentru că fără fiecare dintre voi, acest loc nu ar fi ceea ce este astăzi, iar acest succes nu ar fi fost posibil fără toți staferii care au trecut pe aici, care și-au dedicat timpul, energia și creativitatea pentru a face din această comunitate ceea ce cunoaștem cu toții!

    Să ne amintim că acest loc este al nostru, al tuturor. Este responsabilitatea fiecăruia dintre noi să-l păstrăm sănătos, prietenos și primitor. Să avem grijă unii de alții, să ne respectăm și să ne sprijinim, construind un spațiu în care fiecare să se simtă binevenit.

    În numele întregii echipe, doresc să vă mulțumesc din nou pentru toți acești ani minunați și să vă încurajez să continuați să vă implicați, să colaborați și să contribuiți la bunul mers al comunității. Viitorul este al nostru, iar împreună putem face ca următorii ani să fie chiar mai buni decât cei care au trecut.

    La mulți ani, dragi membri ai comunității noastre! La mulți ani, FileList! Să ne fie mereu la fel de bine împreună!

    [​IMG] FreeLeech Global! Începând cu 1 septembrie până pe 8 septembrie inclusiv! O săptămână întreagă de freeleech global.
    [​IMG] 17th anniversary gift! Începând cu 1 septembrie până pe 8 septembrie inclusiv, o dată la 24 de ore puteți da click pe cadoul din stânga paginii și veți primi un cadou din partea site-ului. Cadoul este similar cu gift box-ul din Shop și puteți câștiga: Upload, FLCoins, FLTokens, Username Change.
    [​IMG] Reduceri în Shop! Din acest moment până pe 8 septembrie inclusiv sunt activate reducerile în shop!
    [​IMG] Dublu FLCoins pentru donațiile care aleg ca recompensă FLCoins. În fiecare an avem o mulțime de utilizatori care ne susțin și ajută la menținerea site-ului în viață. Din acest moment până pe 8 septembrie inclusiv, toate donațiile pentru FLCoins vor fi recompensate dublu.

    [​IMG] [17 ani] Peers Lottery, ce se va desfășura pe o perioadă de 2 luni de zile, începând de acum.
    [​IMG] [17 ani] Sărbătorește alături de noi!
    [​IMG] [17 ani] Fii si tu Pirat si imparte prada!

    La Mulți Ani FileList!

    Vă dorim toate cele bune!
    FileList Staff

    P.S. Mulțumiri speciale se îndreaptă către spondilita pentru implicarea lui la nivel creativ în toate bannerele și imaginile pe care le folosim cu drag! Te îmbrățișam, spondi [​IMG]!

    Forum topic: La Mulți Ani, FileList! / Happy Anniversary, FileList!


    We celebrate 17 years since FileList came to life. Looking back, we see not just a collection of nearly two decades, but a true testament to the dedication, passion, and team spirit that brought us together and carried us forward, and for many of us, a true virtual home. This is a day that deserves to be honored with all the gratitude and respect, for without each and every one of you, this place would not be what it is today, and this success would not have been possible without all the staff and former colleagues who have passed through here, dedicating their time, energy, and creativity to making this community what we all know and cherish!

    Let us remember that this place is ours, all of ours. It is each of our responsibilities to keep it healthy, friendly, and welcoming. Let us take care of one another, respect and support each other, building a space where everyone feels welcomed.

    On behalf of the entire team, I want to thank you once again for all these wonderful years and encourage you to continue engaging, collaborating, and contributing to the well-being of the community. The future is ours, and together we can make the coming years even better than those that have passed.

    Happy anniversary, dear members of our community! Happy anniversary, FileList! May we always enjoy being together just as much!

    [​IMG] Global FreeLeech! A whole week of Global FreeLeech! Starting on the 1st of September until the 8th of September.
    [​IMG] 17th-anniversary gift! Starting on the 1st of September until the 8th of September you will be able to claim a gift, by clicking in the lower-left corner of the website, once every 24 hours. The gift is similar to the one in the shop and you can win: Upload, FLCoins, FLTokens, Username Change.
    [​IMG] Discounted Shop prices! From this moment up until the 8th of September, you can enjoy the Shop at reduced prices!
    [​IMG] Double the FLCoins amount for any donation that chooses the FLCoins reward.

    [​IMG] [17 ani] Peers Lottery, that will run for 2 months, starting now.
    [​IMG] [17 ani] Celebrate with us!
    [​IMG] [17 ani] Share your Pirate Treasure!

    Happy Anniversary FileList!

    We wish you all the best!
    FileList Staff

    P.S. A huge Thank You to spondilita for his creative involvement in all the banners and images that we use and appreciate! Hugs and kisses, spondi [​IMG]!

    Forum topic: La Mulți Ani, FileList! / Happy Anniversary, FileList!
    • Like Like x 1
  2. bincy /

    2012. augusztus 24.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    Lakhely :
    Today we are celebrating 17 years of activity and we are absolutely proud of this journey, but especially of your enthusiasm and dedication as a community. Thank you for your loyalty!

    At the third edition of this event, we intended to make a tradition out of "Come celebrate with us!" giving you the opportunity to spend a little time behind the "curtain" with the staff team!!
    Although we would like to offer it to everyone, this gift is especially addressed to VIP members, as their support over 17 years has not gone unnoticed and unappreciated, but also to our Elite class members.

    By random drawing, one of you will be one of us, for 2 hours!
    Someone will get promoted to Intern, that means access behind the curtain, a whole tour of the site, and on our irc channel (you will be set up an account in advance , all you have to do is log in with your username and password) you will have the opportunity to chat with your favorite upper or encoder. I will be your guide during those 2 hours, I will answer your curiosities and my colleagues will make sure that you are treated like a real VIP! Also, we have many surprises for you and we hope we will be able to give you an experience that meets your expectations!

    [​IMG] You are a VIP member (one day, one month, 10 years, the period does not matter) or Elite;
    [​IMG] You never been Muted;
    [​IMG] You want to spend 2 hours in our company;

    Leave a comment below and tell us what you love about our community, or tell us your favorite memory about this place, so you're automatically entered into the draw, where you could be the lucky winner!

    The period of time in which you can register is 1.09.2024 - 7.09.2024, 12:00 PM. You will be able to enjoy the 2 hours in our company, the following day or on the weekend, depending on your availability. We are waiting forward to meet you!

    Good Luck

  3. bincy /

    2012. augusztus 24.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    Lakhely :

    Ahoy prieteni și camarazi
    An old saying on the far sea says that Pirates likes to seed torrents and keep treasures hidden from others. We all been on this FileList ship for years and years and saved few FLCoins but at some point sharing is carrying we keep hearing.Over the years users kept coming back to us with this request, when can we transfer FLCoins to our friends? Well fellow Pirates, today is the day. Today we are making history by marking another glorious year to our beloved tracker and the staff are more than happy to accommodate your wish by transferring FLCoins to your close ones.
    Without further ado, whoever wants to transfer FLCoins to friends, sisters, brothers, girlfriends, wife's or mistress, now is your chance.

    How to transfer?
    [​IMG] By posting in this topic their profile link using the following example:
    [​IMG] 1500 FLCoins --> https://filelist.io/userdetails.php?id=xxx
    [​IMG] 1500 FLCoins --> https://filelist.io/userdetails.php?id=xxx
    [​IMG] 2000 FLCoins --> https://filelist.io/userdetails.php?id=xxx
    [​IMG] You can transfer a minimum of 1000 FLC and a maximum of 5000 FLC.

    [​IMG] Important!
    [​IMG] Do not try to transfer a larger amount of FLC than you have in your account, in this case, your request will not be considered!
    [​IMG] Once the amount is transferred, it CAN'T be refunded!
    [​IMG]Don't forget, you can transfer a minimum of 1000 FLC to a user and a maximum of 5000 FLC. Yes, you can transfer 5000 FLC to a single user, but you can also have an amount of 5000 FLC distributed to several users.
    [​IMG] Requests will be denied if a user received more than 2 donations of 5000 FLC. Maximum a user can receive is 5000 FLC from 1 users. 2nd request will be denied.
    [​IMG] The event take place between 1 - 3.09.2024.

    Only together we can keep this project alive and closer to our hearts, for us and for our dearest ones. In the end the true treasure that is unmeasurable will be the strong bonds and the joy brought to others with our simple gestures.

    The ship's staff of #FileList is thanking you for your dedication of the past 17 years!

    ...::: Thanks to CreativeGFX for the banner :::...
  4. bincy /

    2012. augusztus 24.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    Lakhely :
    We would like to reward our most faithful users that keep our torrents alive so that we can all benefit and enjoy.
    Let's get to it and see what this is all about and who can win.

    General information
    Every hour the system draws out a number (a User ID) from the database from those that have in that moment seeding torrents. The post appears here automatically, in this topic, every hour.
    The more torrents you have seeding, the more chances you have at winning. Every user participates at this contest with all their torrents. If you have 4000 seeding torrents, you are added 4000 times to the lottery, if you have 50, you are added 50 times to the lottery.
    [​IMG] Also the average per torrent seeding size has to be 10 GB or more (Seed size / Nr. Torrents = Average per torrent).
    There is no other restriction regarding this lottery. You can win 2 times in a row, you can win multiple times, etc.

    Who is participating?
    All users that have seeding torrents are automatically added to the lottery.

    What do I have to do?
    Keep seeding your torrents and watch this topic closely to see if your User ID is a winning one. If you see your User ID in the post made by System, it means you won the lottery! Choose your prize and open a ticket to claim that prize.

    What can I win?
    15.000 FLCoins or 6 months VIP.
    The choice is 100% yours!
    Don't forget to mention in the ticket what prize you wish to receive.

    How do I find out what User ID I have?
    Click on your name in the top right corner of the site and see the link that opens.
    The link looks like this: https://filelist.io/userdetails.php?id=3
    The ending number of that link is your User ID. In my case the User ID is 3.

    Good luck everyone!