Külföldi torrent oldalak Brokenstones | BRKS March Updates

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' CF dealer hozta létre. Ekkor: 2021. március 14..

  1. CF dealer / Tulajdonos Vezetőségi tag

    2011. június 15.
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    March Newsletter 2021

    Wow, here we are third of the Year out. Globally, it's all still a bit off, so please continue to take care of your selves and Family.

    It is always a bad day to see a site drop off, big respect to Awesome-HD, thanks for all you have done.

    Requests Statistics

    It's very sad to see that members still don't know how to Correctly Make a Request, as shown by the below statistics, we are going in the wrong direction.

    These are approximate figures from February 10th - March 9th:-

    34 Requests Created
    3 Users Read the Rules and Created their Requests Correctly
    2 Users Added the Missing Info after their Warning
    31 Users Warned for Missing Info
    6 Requests Deleted due to Rule Violation
    0 Users have had their Request Privileges Revoked

    Request Rules

    We ONLY have 3 Requirements:- Description, Non-Hotlinked Image & More Info Link.

    Missing 1 Requirement = 1 Week Warning
    Missing 2 Requirements
    = 2 Week Warning
    Missing 3 Requirements
    = 4 Week Warning

    Strike 1 = Up to a 4 Week Warning
    Strike 2
    = Up to a 4 Week Warning and your Request shall be Deleted
    Strike 3
    = Up to a 4 Week Warning and your Request shall be Deleted and your Request Privileges shall be Permanently Revoked

    If you’ve received a Warning pertaining to Missing Information then YOU need to act upon it by Editing your Request and Add the Required Information. If you cannot make the Required Edits due to User Class Restrictions or someone has Added to the Bounty then please PM K**** and they'll add the info for you.

    The Only Members Allowed to Edit Requests are the Requester and K*****.

    Make sure that you do a thorough Search before you make a Request to make sure that it hasn't already been Uploaded or previously Requested, also make sure that it is not on the Do Not Upload (DNU) List. Failure to do so could lead to your Request being Deleted along with the Bounty that you offered. If you looking for a specific version then make sure you include it within the Request Title and Description.

    Please Note before you Add to the Bounty make sure that the Request meets the above Requirements. If they don't then I strongly suggest that you Don't Add to it because if the Request is Deleted you'll also Lose the Bounty that you added to the pot.

    There will be No Pre-Warning or PM sent informing you of a Pending Warning. There will also be NO Exception to this Rule regardless of User Class or how long you've been here.

    This will continue to be Moderated.

    Old Passwords

    Members with Password's over 2 years old. These accounts will be locked for a period of 4 weeks.

    Packaging Rules

    Do not 'double compress' your posts. Final

    See: rules.php?p=upload#r2.1.2.1 and rules.php?p=upload#r1.3.2

    If you do not follow the above, your account will receive a warning, plus further diasablemnets.

    SIP Disablement

    Under no circumstances should you post any thing which requires SIP Disablement.

    This is in the DNU listing, any infringements with this, will result on account disablement, you have been warned.
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