Külföldi torrent oldalak MoreThan.tv | MTV News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dred hozta létre. Ekkor: 2015. április 06..

  1. Dred /

    2012. április 05.
    Kapott lájkok:
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    Dear friends,
    We have some new official announcements regarding Morethan.tv's future.

    Those of you who read the forums may already know this, but for those who don't MoreThanTV will migrate to non ratio in the near future and freelech will continue until then. What this means is you will not need to think about your ratio.So far our first priority was to enforce the security of the site, because this is our primary goal, Users security. With so many things happening these days with all the DDOS attacks and sites closed and so on we belive that this was the best thing for us to do for our users.

    But now, we are almost done, and we will start focussing on the site development, starting with changes to the browse page, series page and of course the migration to non ratio. We will make a thread in our forums discussing HR (Hit and Run) ratio, where we will ask all of your opinions regarding these changes because we don't want to make a bunch of changes and then have our users believe them to be too harsh. The site will continue to be a Movie/TV tracker, but we will be splitting them into diferent sections so users can chose if they want to see only TV torrents, Movie torrents or both.

    Regarding site finance because many of you probably think this site will be closed whitout any donations. That's completly WRONG. This site DOES NOT depend on donations, and will never do. Also you will never see ADS that don't help or aren't in the benefit of the users. The Ads you'll see will be for things like the seedboxes contest. Morethan.tv will be here a long long time in the future. All the money comming from donations are going to new storage servers for hosting packs and movies.We want our seasons and movies to always have seeder on high speed machine available for you.

    Also,regarding some users accounts, we could in the near future start to disable users who haven't logged in within the past 3 months. We always wanted to focus on quality and not quantity and keeping inactive users around just for numbers doesn't fit with this idea.

    In the end, I want to thank all of our users for your support on our forums, for reporting bugs and helping us make this community a better place. We can only ask for you to be patient while we make these changes and we hope you will find here a new home.

    You can discuss this news here

    And,to not make another news post,here are our users contest winners :
    1st Place: turningp "Black Sails"
    2nd Place: mugenmidget "Better Call Saul"
    3rd Place: BEATNGU "Bates Motel"

    Congrats to all of you,the best review will be in a coming blog post,and the others on Tv Shows threads in the forums.
    The winners please send message to Xplor3r for taking your prizes.

    Thanks to Tuvix Hosting for contributing the prizes.