Külföldi torrent oldalak Anthelion (TehConnection/Teh) | ANT New Features and More Rule Changes

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' bincy hozta létre. Ekkor: 2023. szeptember 25..

  1. bincy /

    2012. augusztus 24.
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    The past several weeks have been our craziest ones to date, and with that we have some announcements to make based on community feedback. I know many users will be unhappy that the Atlanta Falcon's lost today, thus Global FL is not being extended, but hopefully this news softens that blow.

    Welcome back to a familiar face
    We're happy to see that PTP has finally made their triumphant return, and we would like to extend a congratulations to all of their staff on their hardwork getting their site back up and running again. With that in mind, we are no longer directly accepting PTP members via our registration page, and will instead be opening up an official recruitment on PTP soon.

    New features on the horizon
    We also come bearing some work-in-progress Anthelion news. We have begun beta testing a new "trumpable" tag that will be applied to torrents when they have a fundamental flaw and can be trumped by a superior release. This feature is not currently accessible as we are still determining what factors will make a torrent trumpable, as well as what happens when said torrent is trumped, but we hope to have more information on that soon to come.


    An update on our pornography rule
    In other news, a great topic of debate recently has been our interpretation on what films should be considered pornography. After listening to all of the community's valuable feedback on this, and after quite a bit of internal deliberation, we quickly realized that there is no easy way to fairly determine what is or is not considered porn, and that nearly everyone will have a different interpretation themselves. With that in mind, the new rule will be as follows:

    ⭐ As a reminder all films uploaded to Anthelion must have a TMDB entry.
    ⭐ If the film is tagged as adult on IMDB or TMDB it is not allowed to be uploaded.
    ⭐ If the film is not tagged as adult on IMDB or TMDB it is allowed to be uploaded.

    We have tweaked our reporting system to automatically detect and report adult films on the site and those will be removed. Please make sure you are checking IMDB and TVDB prior to uploading any film that may be considered grey area. This also extends to past uploads and you may have noticed that some of them have been removed recently. Some films were also recently removed, that based on the new rules will be permitted to be re-uploaded. All we ask here is to ensure your content is not tagged as adult, but some films may be missing tags or be tagged incorrectly, for this reason if there are any questions regarding a specific title, all users are encouraged to submit a staff pm for individual clarification that would be provided on a case-by-case basis. Please note this is not necessary to upload films that are properly tagged, but if you see a torrent that appears to be tagged incorrectly, we do encourage you to report it for review by staff.

    Miniseries / Made for TV Clarifications
    Anthelion was always designed to be a website for films. We implemented the ability to parse TMDb /tv/ URLs for the purpose of including "made for TV movies". An issue with this is that TMDb makes no distinction between what are "one season TV shows" from what are "made for TV movies", it lumps both of these things in together as "mini-series" and these all have /tv/ URLs.

    Going forward, staff will be manually reviewing every upload that is made with a TMDb /tv/ URL, and we will be retroactively applying this to existing mini-series. Uploads with /tv/ URLs can still be made without prior staff approval, but you are free to seek it if you're unsure about a particular release. Uploads made without prior approval should be done on a good-faith basis, that the uploader believes them to be in the spirit of being a "made for TV movie".

    Restructuring of the Rules
    Some of our rules were written back when Dinosaur's roamed the Earth, and we have made MANY amendments and changes recently. We are currently working on revising the entire wiki while integrating them into the forums where questions can be asked for clarification. More updates on that to come.

    In closing, we would like to again thank all of our community, and hope that these changes make Anthelion a better site moving forward. We have some other stuff still in testing to surprise everyone with also :tef318: Continue discussion of this post here.