Külföldi torrent oldalak TheGeeks.click | TGBZ News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dred hozta létre. Ekkor: 2016. március 29..

  1. Dred /

    2012. április 05.
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    As March 29th is the 10 Year Anniversary of TBZ...

    We're revealing....

    TheGeeks Live Debate Event (With over 500GB in Ratio Prizes)

    Here's how it'll work:

    We're going to list 5 hot/controversial social, political, and scientific issues later this week.

    And 10 of you will then be given the opportunity to sign up to debate For or Against each position.

    5 people will be For an issue, 5 will be Against.

    Yes, only 10 people can sign up to be debaters, first come, first served. But that's not to say everyone else is left out (or can't win any prizes)...

    Everyone who comes to watch the debate (which will happen live in our Chatroom) and takes part in the audience (and helps vote for the winner of each debate) will receive a small gift.

    What kind of prizes are at stake here you ask?

    For this first TG Live Debate, each debater (and there will only be 10) will be awarded 25 GB of upload ratio just for being brave enough to participate. If you win the debate, you'll get another 25 GB (for a total of 50 GB).

    The audience/spectator slots are infinite. You don't have to RSVP or sign up, just come and watch

    You'll also get 8 GB added to your ratio if you stay for the whole thing and help vote for whoever they feel made the stronger/better argument.

    How It'll Go Down:

    The event will happen on IRC, and you'll be able to join it via TheGeeks Chat tab (it's on the left of the menu banner in case you've never used it). Each issue will be debated by 2 people, one at a time.

    The 2 debaters will take turns responding to each other, for a total of 15 minutes, before we move on to the next issue. It'll run 1.5 hours, ending with a Q & A session from the audience.

    Once it's finished, you'll be asked to PM the event organizers & choose the 5 winners (as well as give a 1-2 sentence reason as to why you liked their argument better).

    Again, if you come to watch the live debates you will be get 8 GB upload added to your ratio, but only if you stay for the whole event and cast your vote at the end. Once the votes are counted, the 5 winners will be announced and awarded their extra 50 GB.

    Depending on how this first debate goes, they might become a monthly thing. Also, content associated with the issues being debated will be free 1 week prior to the event (so you have time to study up).

    A forum page + more details about this are going to be released later this week. There may also so a similar forum-only debate for other issues, with smaller prizes & more debaters.

    Stay tuned for the next announcement in a few days where you'll be given the debate choices and & details for how to reserve your spot (as you'll be able to sign up to become a debater right after it)!

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