Külföldi torrent oldalak CZTeam | CZT News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2016. május 07..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    CZTeam nu pretinde, NU a pretins niciodata in istoria trackerului si NU va cere niciodata donatii sau bani ori alte foloase materiale. In opinia noastra, filesharing-ul este o activitate gratuita care are rolul de promovare a produselor si release-urilor din diverse categorii. CZTeam incurajeaza achizitionarea filmelor, jocurilor, melodiilor si software-urilor pentru a aprecia munca celor care stau in spatele acestor produse.

    CZTeam NU incurajeaza plata cash sau transfer bancar pentru sustinerea financiara a niciunui site de acest gen, pentru imbunatatirea ratiei sau alte beneficii asemanatoare. Intotdeauna am sustinut ca, in loc sa bagati bani in buzunar unor oameni care nu au contribuit cu nimic la dezvoltarea de produse, sa ii folositi in scopuri personale:

    - vedeti un film la cinema
    - cumparati un soft original
    - downloadati melodiile preferate de pe site-urile oficiale pentru a sustine artistii
    - cumparati-va ceva frumos

    CZTeam promoveaza produsele si release-urile romanesti unde se permite. Daca sesizati nereguli sau incalcari ale drepturilor caselor de productie romanesti puteti sesiza acest lucru unui membru din staff.


    Echipa CZTeam cauta noi prieteni care sa se alature familiei noastre. Astfel, daca intrunesti urmatoarele cerinte:
    1. Ai banda buna download/upload
    2. Surse solide
    3. Experienta ca uploader
    4. Timp liber
    5. Bani in buzunar sa ne faci cinste :lol:

    Atunci TU esti tot ceea ce ne dorim!
    Nu ezita sa completezi Cererea de Uploader! Daca esti acceptat si faci o treaba buna vei vedea ce inseamna cu adevarat familia CZTeam! Pentru mai multe detalii referitor la ce conditii trebuie sa indepliniti cititi acest topic: http://torrents.czteam.ro/forums.php...pic&topicid=36


    ~ Reguli Generale / General Rules ~
    ~ [RO] - Calitatea de membru al acestui tracker implica cunoasterea, acceptarea si respectarea lor ~
    ~ [EN] - Being a member of this tracker means knowing, accepting and respecting them ~

    [RO] RULES
    [RO] F.A.Q
    [RO] Reguli generale / [EN] General rules
    [RO] Disclaimer
    [RO] [EN] Banned clients
    [RO] Cum sa aveti grija de conturile voastre
    [RO] Regulile Forumului

    ~ Avem nevoie de ajutorul vostru / We need your help ~

    [RO] Recrutari Avatar Makers
    [RO] Recrutari Uploaderi / [EN] Uploaders wanted
    [RO] Translators team for CZTeamRoSubtitles wanted

    ~ Sectiuni utile ale forumului / Usefull forum areas ~

    [EN] English Help & Fun - section for those who don't speak romanian
    [RO] [EN] Hardware and Software
    [RO] Tutoriale / [EN] Tutorials


    CZTeam not pretend never claimed tracker in history and will never ask for donations or money or other material benefits. In our opinion, filesharing site is a free activity that aims to promote products and release sites in various categories. CZTeam encourages the purchase movies, games, music and software sites to appreciate the work of those who stand behind these products.

    CZTeam not encourage cash or bank transfer payment for financial support of any site of its kind, to improve ration or other similar benefits. I have always maintained that instead pocketed the money of people who have contributed nothing to the development of products, to use them for personal purposes:

    - See a movie
    - Buy original software
    - Download your favorite tracks from the official websites to support artists
    - Buy yourself something nice

    CZTeam promote Romanian products and release sites where permitted. If you notice irregularities or violations of the rights of Romanian production houses can refer this to a member of staff.


    CZTeam team is looking for new friends to join our family. So if you meet the following requirements:
    1. Have good band download / upload
    2. Sources solid
    3. Experience the uploader
    4. Leisure
    5. Money in pocket you're buying: lol:

    Then you are whatever we want!
    Do not hesitate to fill the Uploader application! If you are accepted and do a good job'll see what really CZTeam family! For more details on what conditions must meet read this topic: http://torrents.czteam.ro/forums.php...pic&topicid=36


    ~ General Rules / General Rules ~
    ~ [EN] - Membership of this tracker involves knowledge, acceptance and respect for their ~
    ~ [EN] - Being a member of this tracker of means knowing, accepting and respecting Them ~

    [EN] RULES
    [EN] F.A.Q
    [EN] General rules / [EN] General rules
    [EN] Disclaimer
    [EN] [EN] Banned clients
    [EN] How to take care of your accounts
    [EN] Rules Forum

    ~ We need your help / We Need your help ~

    [RO] Recruitment Avatar Makers
    [RO] Recruitment Uploader / [EN] Uploaders Wanted
    [EN] team for CZTeamRoSubtitles Translators wanted

    Sections of the forum useful ~ / ~ Areas usefull forum

    [EN] English Help & Fun - for Those Who section do not speak Romanian
    [EN] [EN] Hardware and Software
    [EN] Tutorials / [EN] Tutorials