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A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2016. május 13..

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    2016. április 14.
    Kapott lájkok:
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    Inactivity Amnesty

    As you know we take security very seriously here at AHD and as such we have decided that it is time to put a new rule in place for the security of us all. This rule is as follows
    Accounts that have been disabled for inactivity more than 1 year ago will no longer be reactivated.
    Now before we enforce this rule (in time for our 7th Birthday - keep an eye out for surprises!) we have decided to announce an amnesty that will allow anyone who has ever been disabled for inactivity to apply to be reenabled. From Monday 16 May to Friday 20 May any user who has previously had their account disabled due to inactivity is welcome to join our IRC help channel ( irc.awesome-hd.me) and apply for reactivation. After this time the new rule will come into force.

    The important details you will need to know if you decide to apply for reactivation are:
    - Only users that have had their accounts disabled due to inactivity can apply. Any users that have had their accounts banned for any other kind of rule violation are barred from this amnesty. Please do not waste your time or ours by reapplying.
    - You must connect to our IRC with your home connection, read the topic in [HASHTAG]#help[/HASHTAG], and follow the instructions. Note: You will NOT be processed if you connect via a VPN or any other kind of service that hides your real IP.
    -You will be asked to identify your account (user name and e-mail(s) used).
    -Prepare a list of your profile links to any other tracker(s) you are a member of beforehand. This will greatly help staff reevaluate your case.
    -Be prepared to answer questions that your interviewer may ask of you.
    -If your account is reactivated but is then disabled again for inactivity, it will remain disabled permanently.
    -Staff retain the ability to deny a reactivation request if unsatisfied with the interviewee.
    We hope that we will be able to see some old friends!

    The Staff
    Utoljára szerkesztve moderátor által: 2016. május 13.