Külföldi torrent oldalak MoreThan.tv | MTV News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2016. december 25..

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    2016. április 14.
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    Dear MTV-Family,

    Welcome to the Morethan.tv 2016 Christmas e-mail/blog! It will be a long one, because we have so much to share with you! So please take a few minutes of your time and read it, this won't take long we promise!

    One more year has passed - again! Did it feel like one year? We say no! It's like every year: it passes even faster and faster.. So let's start with the saddest part of it.
    Even if we haven't been affected by it, the recent closing of What.cd has been shocking for everyone. So we don't want to let this pass without a big thanks to the WCD staff for all that they did for the P2P and torrent community, and for offering us one of the most reliable source (i.e. Gazelle). We will stick to the subject and we need to say THANK YOU from all our hearts to those users who answered our only call in these two years and helped with donations. You understood the necessity and trusted us, that we wouldn't have asked if it weren't completely necessary.
    But let's talk about nicer things. At the time you receive this email, we would have probably finished our annual tradition: Holding the Christmas interviews. We want to offer a very warm welcome to the new users and we hope that they have found in this community all that they were looking for.

    Next year will be very difficult, probably one of the most difficult years due the current climate, but the only way to survive is to stay together! A lot of people will try to make this impossible! Not only with us, but with the entire P2P community. We shouldn't allow this. They need to understand and respect, that this is more than piracy! This is about sharing and caring.
    About the site: the WCD bust slowed us down a bit and forced us to take some precautions and to work even more on the security of the site. But as much as we have done for Security, you need to do the same. This is why we allow VPN's and this is why we have strict rules when it comes to the server and to development.
    Most of you have probably expected the new source to be done by now. We haven't given you any ETA because we know how it would be. Between real life and everything, we work as fast as we can despite being constricted by our development rules. Rules that have been defined since day one and that we will continue to abide to. The only two things that we can ask from you are: Patience, and don't listen to every troll out there. Even if they pretend to know better.
    We are getting close to the end of this letter, so like always, we want to send our thanks to every user involved in the growth of this tracker, every donor, friendly trackers (especially HDB - our entire respect for them and for the way they've always treated us), and every member of the P2P community, for the feedback they have given us during the year, criticism, and everything that they thought was necessary for us to grow.
    That being said We want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We hope the holidays and the New Year will find both you and your families healthy, happy, and with high expectations for the future

    Morethan.tv Staff 22.12.2015

    Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.
    - Henry Ford