Külföldi torrent oldalak Orpheus | OPS | Apollo News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2016. december 26..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    Hope you've all had an amazing Christmas and enjoyed the time with your loved ones! The festive season is all about giving and sharing love with each other!

    HTTPS Tracker

    We'd like to inform everyone that we've finished and launched our HTTPS tracker a few days ago. The new announce URL is automatically added to new torrents that you download from Apollo, but any old torrents will have to be edited manually. We have a few tutorials in the help forum to manage with the editing of multiple torrents, but for single torrents you can just edit the tracker announce URL to something along the lines of:

    https:// mars.apollo.rip/ tracker_passkey/ announce
    You'll find your own personal tracker announce URL on upload.php - To make it perfectly clear, if you do not wish to edit your old torrents to use the HTTPS tracker, that is fine, they will still continue to work. All of the new torrents will automatically use the HTTPS tracker.

    Unfortunately we didn't reach our goals in time and there will not be any freeleech. However I sincerely hope we'll continue the tremendous effort everyone has put in and hope we'll be building further upon our basis for the new library in 2017.

    12 days of Christmas

    We'll be doing a 12 days of Christmas spree with various staff picks and other little gifts!

    We'll be starting out with a staff pick for the 1st day.

    Z's Staff Pick / letlive. - Fake History

    Z wrote:
    This album is one of my favorite post-hardcore albums out there. Blending the energy and chaos of Glassjaw with the ability to write a damn good chorus, this album has a little something for everybody. Jason Butler is an insanely talented vocalist with an ethos he wears on his sleeve. No song hits me quite as hard as "Day 54" does. Sadly the band has yet to make another album as "all killer, no filler" as this one, but this album managed to hit me at just the right time in my life and means a lot to me.
    letlive. - Fake History [2010] [Album] (torrents.php?id=21108)

    We've also written a blog post about the sad passing of George Michael, please read more here: blog.php#blog1
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