Külföldi torrent oldalak HDChina | HDC News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2017. január 25..

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    2016. április 14.
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    Announcement for the Lunar New Year
    在过去的一年,HDChina的可持续发展,少不了各位会员以及站内各个工作组的支持,做种数也随着种子数 目增加而不断增长。官方录制、压制、原盘小组的发展大家亦有目共睹。

    农历新年将至,管理组决定自今日开始休假一周,同时网站也会开始全站免费(至2017年2月3 日)。

    在此期间,部分管理人员会留守维护网站。官方组资源,种子优惠、修改以及捐赠处理将会暂时停摆或延迟,第三 方小组不受影响。



    We appreciate all of you who make HDChina a high quality platform to share during the past year. Our internal(capture/Rip/Blu-ray disc release) has made a break through last year, bringing fast, exclusive and quality releases to everyone here.

    To celebrate the lunar new year, site-wide freeleech will be initiated later today and end on Feb 3, 2017(GMT+8).

    Some of our staff might not available during this period. Therefore, please be patient and we will respond the issues you report ASAP.

    In this New Year, may good luck and good fortune always be with you!

    ====HDChina Staff====