Külföldi torrent oldalak CZTeam | CZT News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2017. március 01..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    Dragi utilizatori,

    Ne bucura critica constructiva insa va rog sa fiti ingaduitori si rabdatori, incercam sa facem tot posibilul sa va multumim pe toti

    Urmatoarele implementari vor avea loc in viitorul apropiat :

    - adaugarea categoriilor Movies HD-RO si TVEps HD-RO
    - categorii clickabile
    - top 3 torrents of the day/week/month pe browse
    - reguli in romana, detaliate pe partea de upload pentru a intelege fiecare dintre voi cum trebuie sa uploadati un torrent complet si corect definit din punct de vedere ezoteric

    In alta ordine de idei, obisnuinta isi spune cuvantul si unora dintre voi va este greu sa va adaptati la designul nou. Pentru inceput va recomandam sa va uitati prin profil, sunt 8 teme, trebuie sa gasiti una care sa va fie pe plac.

    Daca exista persoane cu simt artistic care poate stiu si putin CSS, va recomandam sa ne contactati in vederea unui design care speram sa fie pe placul utilizatorilor.


    Google Translate:
    Dear users,

    We will enjoy constructive criticism but please bear and patient, trying to do everything possible to thank everyone

    These deployments will take place in the near future:

    - Adding categories HD Movies HD-RO-RO and TVEps
    - Click categories
    - Top 3 torrents of the day / week / month to browse
    - Rules in Romanian, the upload detailed each of you to understand how to upload a torrent completely and correctly defined in terms of esoteric

    In other news, habit Hattrick and some of you will find it hard to adapt to the new design. For starters we recommend you look through the profile are eight themes, you need to find one that will be like.

    If there are people who may know artistic sense and a little CSS, we recommend you contact us to a design that we hope to please users.