Külföldi torrent oldalak PolishSource | PS News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2017. június 25..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    Monday (23:59 June 26, 2017) will apply unusual promotion
    campaign means doubling the purchased package tab DONATE
    promotion is valid on selected packages below. Explaining everything to be clear. Buying in succession, you get:

    VIP 3 months - get range VIP for 6 months instead of 3
    VIP for 6 months - get range VIP for 12 months instead of 6
    VIP year - get range VIP for 24 months instead of 12
    Package D0LBY_DIGITAL - get 2x package D0LBY_DIGITAL
    package STERE0 - you get 2x the package STERE0

    Take advantage and thus support page.


    Quick FAQ:

    - How many times can I participate in the promotion?
    Each user can take part in an unlimited number of times, regardless of rank, etc.

    - I purchased a promotional package, but was activated only 1x
    package is first activated by the system as a single. Up to a maximum of 48 hours of activating the basic package will be activated doubling, that the same package a second time

    - How is it, I have two packages at once?
    All packages included in the promotion are cumulative. Ie the period will be extended Vip rank and privileges D0LBY_DIGITAL, 2x STERE0 granted. Packages will not overwrite just add up. Donate Points also add up!

    - How do I make a purchase?
    Everything is described in the sub-page of the grant, as well as possible ways of purchase. If you want to make a deposit using BTC - the equivalent of a deposit package to the address provided BTC, then send the payment confirmation by THIS tab

    - you can purchase another package in this promotion?
    Sorry but the promotion is valid for a limited period of time and only provided in this news packages

    Any other questions related to this promotional campaign, and all kinds of niejasnoći please submit / inquire by TEN form