Külföldi torrent oldalak MoreThan.tv | MTV News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' bincy hozta létre. Ekkor: 2017. szeptember 25..

  1. bincy /

    2012. augusztus 24.
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    Today is the day we'll be saying farewell to one of the oldest staff member MTV has. Kilobyte has been with MTV since it's inception and his contribution to get this tracker where it is is undeniable. Some of you with older accounts will remember him but to those of you that joined recently the name might not tell you much. He was a jack of all trades going where he was needed, handled everything from uploading to user support and still had time to chat about what direction we wanted MTV to take. Although because of real life commitments he was forced to cut down on the time he spent here little by little and this is the culmination of that. We're sorry to see him go and we wish him all the best.

    At the same time we'll be promoting someone most of you should already be familiar with, we call him fallout. If you don't know who he is then you've not been really reading the forums, or been on IRC too much. You can take this chance to get to know him and see the kind of guy he is or just stop by and say hello. I promise he won't bite (much).

    We've also made a few changes to our FLS lineup in preparation for the fall shows premieres. Ment0 and Natsu have both joined the torrent editing team to help with the quality control by taking care of bad uploads, missing or incorrect info, season packs and whatever else might come up.

    There are still a few spots open if anyone wants to join our FLS to help with torrent editing.
    If you've noticed missing/incorrect torrent info, wrongly categorised torrents or just some blatant rule breaking and wanted to do something about it, now's your chance. We'll teach you everything you need to know, all we require is for you to have a significant amount of free time that you want to allocate to MTV and are willing to learn. You can apply by joining the irc #help channel or sending us a Staff PM.
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