Külföldi torrent oldalak Pirates of the UK | PotUK News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Péter28 hozta létre. Ekkor: 2017. október 11..

  1. Péter28 / Guest

    Egypt IP and Spam

    Recently we’ve been experiencing a spate of member accounts spamming the torrent forums with direct download links instead of torrents.

    We delete them as we see then because:

    a) this is a torrent forum but...
    b) more importantly, there is no way of knowing what you will download by using the url that they post. It is entirely possible that it could be something unpleasant.

    So please make sure that you only download torrents from here. If you get to a torrent thread that offers you a direct download link or url before our staff see it and delete it... do not use it!!

    The posting IP of some of the spam posts have been in Egypt.

    Coincidentally I have personally been receiving phishing emails recently from various @aucegypt.edu email addresses. They all say exactly the same thing:

    Attn: Email User,
    An attempt was made to access your email account to perform unusual activities from an unknown computer. for security/avoid loosing of your email account, you are therefore advice to update your email account by clicking on this link below
    The link goes to a webpage that they hope the unsuspecting recipient will put their email address and password in.

    The fact that PotUK is currently experiencing issues with member accounts spamming unwanted content using Egyptian IP addresses might be a coincidence, as we all know that we can pretend to be pretty much anywhere we like these days.

    But to assume that something is a coincidence can be risky, and if there’s even a small chance that some dudes over there in the land of sand and sun are trying to cause bother that could adversely affect PotUK then this Announcement is to alert you to that possibility.

    Watch out for any emails asking for you to confirm login/email/password info. No self respecting email provider would ever do that. If you really think it might be genuine then email your provider separately and ask them, or ring them, but don’t go to a random web page and give your info away.

    If someone does get access to your email account and they see an email from PotUK, all they have to do is a simple password recovery from our login page to get control of your PotUK account... which is quite possibly what’s happened to the ones we’ve had to deal with thus far. If that did happen then the same could be true for other sites they were members of and we can only guess at what horrors that could potentially lead to.

    Hopefully you’ll now be thinking “Does he really think I’m that stupid?” because you're savvy and would never fall for anything like that. Great! But forewarned is forearmed and I'm posting this due to the 'coincidence' of current emails from Egypt trying to harvest access information and current forum posts using Egyptian IP addresses spamming PotUK with gawd knows what.

    So just be alert and stay safe..... :tef293: