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    2016. április 14.
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    **s**** 's Birthday Pick

    Carissa's Wierd - ugly but honest: 1996-1999 [2000]
    Indie | Lo-fi | Slowcore | Chamber Rock

    **s**** wrote:
    ""One Night Stand" opens with a weightless melody and subtle vocal flourishes from Ghetto, then breaks down self-destructively, as if the band set fire to the tapes as they were recording. It's an odd resolution to the song, suggesting not only an ambition to be more than simply sad-bastard background music but also a compelling desire to deflect emotions too troubling to convey directly." - Stephen M. Deusner (2010)

    Carissa's Wierd was a short lived band made of troubled young adults, and they wrote about what it was like to be a troubled young adult. Careless misspelling, scratched out lyrics, hesitant vocals, and songs that could fall apart at any moment. In spite of their exterior as an apathetic young rock band, I think they were a heavily talented and charming group with a lot to say, and unfortunately, they didn't blow up as much as they could/should have.

    This is an album I've turned to over and over, and I hope you can find relief in it too. I don't think there are many moments in music worth listening to more than the soothing guitar, vocal harmonies, and lyrics that come together beginning at 1:25 in "Alphabet on the Manhole", the album's (ace) closer.
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