Külföldi torrent oldalak HD-Spain | HD-S News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2017. december 04..

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    2016. április 14.
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    [Google Translated from Spanish]

    For some weeks, we have been able to verify that a "company" is commercializing, illegally, Blu-ray discs (recorded with home systems as anyone could do, and in some cases are not Blu-ray but remixes m2ts or JMBD) contain montages with audios edited by colleagues of the HDS Group. Not only do they include the audio, but also in many cases they directly add our complete assembly of improvement with respect to the official Spanish edition.

    We quote "company" because this is not a company, nor a studio nor an official distributor or anything. They are a couple of guys who have decided to take money pirate (in this case you can call them pirates) and also at the expense of the altruistic work of others, us in this case.

    As we said, these guys are profiting from the effort, passion and dedication of the uploaders and other components of the HDS Group, and also at the expense of all users of the tracker, obtaining material thanks to sharing it for years. And in this case with a work as personal, delicate and special as are the audios edited by our colleagues, to whom they dedicate so many hours of work and effort. An altruistic work that others are attributing as their own, and for which they are making an economic return, in a way, let's say to soften it, very unethical.

    HD-Spain is a project born of the enthusiasm to share our passion with you, and that remains our greatest motivation today. Therefore, from the staff of HD-Spain we want to show our absolute rejection of the illegal practice carried out by these people, and our total disengagement in this regard. We are pro-downloads (obviously), but always in a frame that is totally outside the economic scope. Regardless that what these gentlemen do is illegal, it is despicable.

    We also inform you that the publication of new editions with edited audios will suffer alterations, and for that we ask you for respect and understanding, because apart from taking our material to sell it, it is that they have even announced it at the moment in which we we announced it in the forum, before launching it, in the plan "we are working on it exactly".

    Without further ado, we thank all the samples of support, affection and confidence.

    The staff of HD-Spain.