Külföldi torrent oldalak MyAnonaMouse | MAM News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2017. december 17..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
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    The world had gone digital. Twitter and websites littered the land and destroyed attention spans everywhere. Most people seemed content to let the tyranny of TV and the internet conquer. But some resisted. They wanted beauty and form, prose and poetry. YouTube and Facebook did not fulfill their lust for meaning and fantasy. And from around the world these people congregated and began to gather. They built a library, and hid the way to the library. Members from around the globe joined up. They unearthed clues buried under the ether, footprints in the sand and etched on the mountainsides. Only some of them found the entrance, for it was hidden with guile. In the crook of a mirage, the light of an eclipse and the seed of a mushroom stalk. To enter, they had to let go of their old forms. For this entrance admitted not bears or huge giants or intelligent men. It was small enough to only admit mice. Small, furry, with long tails and tiny noses. And so mice they became, and shared and read books.

    9 years later, they found out about a curse that plagued their library.. If allowed unchecked, it would destroy their book collection and all their efforts. They looked high and low for a solution. They then found 9 riddles scribbled on a wall. Each clue would lead to the name of a certain book. Only when all 9 book names were collected, could they defuse the curse and free the library. Now, it is up to you mice to decipher the clues and save the world of books...


    BOOK HUNT will run for three days starting on 2017-12-19 00:00:00 UTC At that time your 1st book clue will appear at the bottom of this page. BOOK HUNT ends on 2017-12-22 23:59:59 UTC. Books must be located in the order presented. When you click on the correct book, (Ebook or Audio Book) a pop up will appear on the download page saying you have found book 1. The clue for the second book will then appear. (Your current book clue can also be seen at the bottom of this page) Follow that clue and when you find book 2 another pop up will show itself. Continue on this way for all 9 books. When you find book 9 you will be automatically time stamp recorded. The first 9 members to complete the Hunt will win awards and bragging rights.

    Discussion of what the clues mean, sharing a Book find, or collaborating on clues is not allowed. Anyone seen doing so will be immediately disqualified. Please be careful. We want everyone to have a fair chance to complete the Book Hunt and win awards. Join the discussion thread to chat with others about the hunt.


    1st through 3rd place: 25,000 Bonus Points, 10 FL Wedges, VIP for a month, Book Hunt Avatar available.

    4th through 9th place: 10,000 Bonus Points, 10 FL Wedges, VIP for two weeks, Book Hunt Avatar available.

    Everyone who completes the Book Hunt finding all 9 books will receive the small Book Hunt icon next to donor star to wear with pride