Külföldi torrent oldalak ICETorrent | ICE News

A témát ebben részben 'Archívum' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2018. január 07..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    Initiez o cursa astazi, o goana dupa filme.

    Scrie aici numele unui film, ori serial care ti-a luat fatza in ultima perioada.

    Voi oferi 3 premii cu ajutorul random.org, atat pentru cei care scriu in topic despre preferinta lor, cat si pentru cei care gasesc filmele nominalizate si le upload-eaza pe tracker. Acestia din urma trebuie sa puna un link spre torrentul pe care l-au urcat, in conditiile in care el nu este deja.

    Unul din premii este oferit de mine...subiectiv (cum v-am obisnuit) pentru ceva ce mi-a atras in mod deosebit atentia, pentru ca punctele vor fi din nou oferite din punctele personale Asta pentru ca pot

    Ati vazut concursul trecut ca sunt generoasa.

    Dati-i drumul, cursa incepe.


    I'm starting a race today, a movie break.

    Write here the name of a movie or serial that has taken you lately.

    I will give 3 prizes using random.org, both for those who write in the topic about their preference, and for those who find the nominated movies and upload them to the tracker. The latter must make a link to the torrent they have boarded, as long as he is not already.

    One of the awards is offered by me ... subjectively (as I've been used to) for something that has particularly attracted my attention, because the points will again be offered from my personal points That's because I can

    You have seen the past competition as generous.

    Let go, the race begins.