Külföldi torrent oldalak MyAnonaMouse | MAM News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2018. február 28..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
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    µTorrent newer than 2.2.1 and Transmission older than 2.93 being banned


    With the recently found set of MAJOR security issues in µTorrent (including complete remote access to your system), we will be banning µTorrent versions newer than 2.2.1, as they are the worst hit by it.
    Even 2.2.1 and older are not fully immune to some of these, plus they are "too old to bother auditing," so may have many more issues.
    While we haven't been able to confirm, it looks like µTorrent Mac is not affected by this set.

    The ban will take affect as of 2018-04-01 to allow a lot of our peers to move away from the versions being banned.

    Please note that this is a VERY HIGH security risk and we STRONGLY suggest you make the move ASAP, for your own safety and security.

    Your options are downgrading to 2.2.1 or older (not recommended), or moving to a new client (recommended).

    We have compiled a Ruby script into a windows executable to help with migrating from µTorrent to qBittorrent, which is the closest similarity.

    To migrate, install qBittorrent, make sure both qBittorrent and µTorrent are closed, then run the program. If you have previously used qBittorrent, you'll also need to remove the qBittorrent-resume.ini which can be found at %appdata%\qBittorrent\qBittorrent-resume.ini
    Note: while our tests show this works, this isn't our code.
    If you need help migrating, we ask you make your own thread in the forums about it, so that we don't get a mess of confusion of multiple people's support in one thread.

    We also have a guide for downgrading newer versions of µTorrent to version 2.2.1 HERE, if you choose to go that route.


    Transmission clients before version 2.93 are vulnerable to a similar style attack as µTorrent. As such, we will be banning all versions of transmission before 2.93 as of 2018-04-01.

    For Everyone

    As for all the mice not on µTorrent/transmission (or have multiple clients), we'd also like to remind you, while we don't suggest auto updating, you shouldn't sit on old versions too long, as like µTorrent, they aren't audited and may have their own security flaws.