Külföldi torrent oldalak Secret-Cinema | SC News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2018. május 06..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
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    New Site Features!

    We've been hard at work here at SC HQ, and we have some new exciting features to debut!

    1) As you might have seen already, it's now possible to leave a 1-5 rating for films on their torrent page. This is all trackable on your profile - there is a new 'film reviews' number under the community section on your profile sidebar.

    During initial discussions, the point was brought up that "even a bad movies can be good", so we won't be adding ratings to torrent search, and we also made a review mandatory along with the rating so readers can get a better sense of the film.

    Instead, we hope this will encourage more discussion about films, so if you're feeling up to it, go through all your downloaded films and leave a review on them! In the future, we'll be adding more community features like this that will promote a more social use of the site.

    2) We added more robust IMDB scraping. We now pull the Directors, Producers, Writers, Actors, and Cinematographers. You can use this feature by filling in the IMDB code on the upload page and pressing 'Auto-fill'. We also now automatically pull the film's country, and we plan on incorporating this in the advanced torrent search. It's been a much-requested feature.

    3) The torrent search bar at the top of the page is more robust now. Previously, you had to search for a director with their first name first, but now you can search with just their last names. It was using code meant for band names initially, which we have now changed.

    We hope you enjoy all the new features, and stay tuned for more!
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