Külföldi torrent oldalak GazelleGames.net | GGn News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2018. augusztus 29..

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    2016. április 14.
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    GGn Internals - 1000 Groups!
    Behind the scenes, the small but extremely hard working GGn Internal Team has continued to work tirelessly to bring you the latest and greatest releases to satisfy your gaming needs. Today we are extremely proud to say that the team has managed to provide releases to over 1000 separate game groups! This is a count of groups alone, where each may contain multiple releases spanning different editions and versions, meaning there have been much more than 1000 releases made already. This is quite a monsterous achievement and one I think we can be proud of!

    Head over to the GazelleGames Internals v2 Bundle to view all these amazing releases, as well as the GGn Internal Releases official forum where you can see newly added games and updates, as well as find out What are GGn Internal Releases, receive Technical Support and even make a Request for a new GGn Internal Release that you would like to see!

    New IRC Channel - #Matchmaking
    We have a wonderful community going on here, filled with many passionate gamers who love nothing more than to sit back and relax with their eyes glued to a screen. Although single-player games have their charm, there is nothing better than sharing fun and exciting experiences with friends through teamwork or going head-to-head in a multi-player game. Unfortunately having friends with the same games as you isn't always a given, so we would like to help bring our passionate community together and provide better opportunities for members to get together and play with one another.

    Introducing the new official GGn IRC channel - #Matchmaking - where you can see if anyone else is currently playing a game or is looking for others to play with. For more information on how to play online with each other, see the Emulated LAN Multiplayer wiki article (WIP), and find games to play in the Local Multiplayer, LAN Compatible and Direct Online Multiplayer Bundles. The channel is already live and can be selected from your profile settings.

    New GGn Staff - ****
    It is with great pride that we would like to welcome the newest member to the GGn Staff Team, **** who will be a Torrent Moderator tackling the OST section on site, as well as providing further help in the Windows category. If you have any questions regarding these platforms, you now know who to seek out! Please make *** feel at home. The GGn Staff Team would like to thank you for your tireless work, and we look forward to having you on board for a long time to come!