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A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2018. szeptember 29..

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    2016. április 14.
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    Alright everybody, October is just a few days away and you know what that means.... SUBLIMOWEEN!!!! This year we're going to doing a couple things including:

    Donation Drive

    I hate to start out with this, but I want to put it out there because it's imperative for the site to keep running. We're going to be doing a donation drive for the month of October (/me shudders). I hope everybody knows how much I DESPISE doing donation drives / asking for money, but we've got some server renewals coming up and they're either going to leave us pretty strapped for cash, or completely suck us dry. So before everybody gets in the Christmas spirit and starts blowing cash on gifts for the people that you care about (friends, family, and loved ones), see if you can find a lil extra to spend on the site that you care about. Same dealio as last time, give 25 EU and we will fill any request that you make (within reason).

    Ok, that's all that I'll plug for the donation drive. If you've given in the past, thank you VERY much for your help. We wouldn't be where we are without your support. And if you can give now, thank you VERY much as well, we won't be able to continue doing what we do without your help.


    We'll be doing 3 contests this year: pumpkin carving contest, costume contest, and decorating contest. And maybe if *** feels like getting a picture contest going we'll have one more.

    Assuming we get a decent number of entries, the prizes FOR EACH CONTEST will be as such:
    1st place will get VIP status (with inactivity immunity), 100k BP, and 3 guaranteed requests
    2nd place will get inactivity immunity, 75k BP, and 2 guaranteed requests
    3rd place will get inactivity immunity, 50k BP, and 1 guaranteed request
    Every user that enters will get 5k BP for each contest that they enter

    - BP will and other prizes will be awarded after the contests have ended

    Details for each contest will be posted in their respective forum threads, which I'll post links to in the next couple days.

    Scary Movie Marathon

    Ok, this is something I'm pretty excited to announce because our encoders have been cranking out encodes behind the scenes for the past month or two. I'm pretty sure we have enough scary / thriller / horror movies lined up to release at least 1 movie every-single-day for the entire month of October. Not 1 encode, 1 movie. This effort comes from a lot of coordination between the great **** and our amazing encoders. I'd acknowledge the encoders in here, but I don't like to identify who's actually doing any encoding for security purposes. But please know that your guys' effort is truly appreciated.

    Bonus Seeding

    On top of all the encodes that will be getting released this month, we're also going to increase the seeding bonus for all scary / thriller / horror movies. Any of these movies that you seed will earn 5x the BP that it normally would. So instead of 0.5 BP every 15 minutes, it'll earn 2.5 BP every 15 minutes. Look for this little indicator http on the browse page and on the torrent details page to indicate that a movie earns the additional BP.

    Behind The Scenes

    We're also working on a few things behind the scenes. **** and I are slowly (my fault, not his) working on something that may help to greatly resolve the issue with faithless reseed requests. I started the effort maybe a year and a half ago, but as I'm sure we all know, life took over. But *** has stepped up with his wealth of knowledge and may be the kick in the pants I need to get this thing moving again.

    Additionally, some of our encoders have been working on streamlining the encoding process so that we might be able to get encodes cranked out and in your hard drives a little bit faster.

    In Summary

    This is a great community and I hope everybody that's here can see that. In the coming months we'll be have been on the scene for 8 long years (has it really been that long?), which is quite an accomplishment considering our small user base and the server issues that we've faced in the past. But through it all, you wonderful users have kept us going. So lets get together and celebrate the spooky season with some contests, a plethora of new releases, and seeding bonuses. And if you can chip in a donation to help the site keep carrying on into the future, please do.

    Thank you all, and Happy Sublimoween!