Külföldi torrent oldalak XtremeZone | MyXz News

A témát ebben részben 'Archívum' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2018. október 08..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    Dear users, as we want to be always innovative, and you can find your favorite series for as long as possible, we have launched the next seed pack project.

    Project Packages:
    - Minimum 500GB: VIP during project participation + 3 months VIP after project exit if the period was at least 3 months + 1 invitation
    - 500GB - 1TB: VIP during project participation + 5 months VIP after project exit if the period is over 5 months + 3 invitations
    - 1TB - 2TB: VIP during project participation + 8 months VIP after project exit if more than 8 months + 5 invitations
    - 2TB - 4TB: VIP during project participation + 10 months VIP after project exit if more than 10 months + 7 invitations.
    - over 4TB - LEGEND VIP during the project participation + 12 months VIP Legend after leaving the project if the period is over 12 months + the right to upload during the participation in the project + 10 invitations.

    - To stay at minimum seed 8h / day for as long as possible;
    - be plug
    -in - do not get involved in the project for a short period of time, if you know you're going out of the project a few days or a month, for example, it's better not to participate
    - the packs to be put at seed we will communicate them, the XZ staff
    - When a user leaves a project, he will be required to notify at least two weeks in advance in order to have time to download the materials in order to avoid losing the packs.
    - decent speed to the internet It

    is an advantage for those who use:
    - seedbox
    - NAS
    - server

    For questions, blur or suggestions posted on the forum or through the PM

    You are welcome,
    Staff XZ