Külföldi torrent oldalak Tasmanit | TAS News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2018. november 18..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    Updated November 2018

    Hello everyone,

    as you probably all know, this site heavily relies on donations to keep operational. Funds are needed for hosting, the domain name, etc.

    If you can donate a bit of spare cash, we would apprecaite it and this would go a long way towards securing the future of the site. We currently offer 3 ways to help out with funding. I will provide specifics for each of these.

    Help funding with donating via Paypal

    If you would like to help fund the site this way, please send a PM to any staff member and they will provide you a Paypal address to which you can transfer the funds. Furthermore, please only transfer 5 or 10 Euros (you can vary the amount slightly by up to 1 Euro). Send the payment as a gift and pay the necessary fees for the transaction. Do not mention this site or anything related to it in the text. Select a mesage in regards to graduating University, such as "I am so happy for you that you graduated, have dinner on me". This is necessary to regulate Paypal donations in order to try and not draw too much attention to the Paypal account. After your donation, please provide the transaction ID so we can credit you with perks (mentioned in the next section).

    Help funding with donating bitcoin

    You can also donate via Bitcoin. There are no restrictions as to how much, when or how often you donate. Either transfer the desired amount from your own Bitcoin wallet or use one of the many available exchange services to exchange money you have in other form.

    If you would like to help fund the site this way, please send a PM to staff and they will provide you a Bitcoin address to which you can transfer the funds.

    Help funding without donating money

    You can help to fund the site by joining together and mine cruptocurrency. This means you provide computational power of your computer. In turn, rewards in Bitcoin for calculations will be transfered to our Bitcoin wallet.

    If you would like to help fund the site this way, take a look at this post for details and instructions:

    Perks you get in return for donating

    You will receive the following in return:

    - 100 (5 Euro Paypal) or 200 (10 Euro Paypal) bonus points
    - 5GB (5 Euro Paypal) or 12GB (10 Euro Paypal) upload credit
    - VIP member for 1 month (5 Euro Paypal) or 2 months (10 Euro Paypal)
    - Donation star for the same amount of time

    A big thank you to everybody who can contribute, All donations and Bitcoin earned from mining will go towards bills rrelated to the site.​