Külföldi torrent oldalak TwilightZoom | TZ News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2019. június 09..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
    Kapott lájkok:
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    Main Site Down Twilights

    Message from the Coder:

    ok folks the site (Twilightsdreams) going down for hours or a day or 2.The torrents will return without any loss hopefully.The site and users will go back to the 2nd of june.I am sorry but all of the experts have no clue what is going on.OVH CWP and all the experts.I do not think it is a hack.It may be a ddosed but somehow if it is they are darn good. No sign of there tracks. So there is only one way to
    be sure. After being up for years we have to reinstall our server which lets hope the coder remember how to do it .If not I may ask dunk for help since I wrote him a tut rofl.​