Külföldi torrent oldalak Pornbay | Pb News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2019. november 28..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
    Kapott lájkok:
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    Hear Ye Hear Ye... The Powers that be put forth the following request....

    We are planning to run a future event, and need members with artistic talent and a sense of humor to help.

    The event will be themed around Squirrel Racing.

    t**** has volunteered to host this future event and as such will have his pants stuffed full of Squirrels. He will then likely dance around like a crazy person as the squirrels race around frantically looking for an exit from his pants. Finally winners of the event will be chosen by which squirrels manage to find and exit the pants first via the bottom cuffs of the pants.

    Sounds like fun?! We thought so too, which is why we need your help to create some artwork for the event announcement.

    3 images are needed. You may submit one or up to all three of the following requested images:

    The first image needed, is an image of t****'s pants being loaded and stuffed full of squirrels.

    The second image needed, is an image of t**** dancing around all crazy as panicked squirrels race around inside his pants trying to find an exit to escape from his pants.

    The third image needed, is an image of 3 winning squirrels escaping from t****'s pants via the cuffs at the bottom of his pants.

    Any appropriately themed artwork may be submitted below in this thread, as long as it's funny and amusing and makes people laugh.

    3 images will be chosen. Submitted artwork can earn up to 500 credits per image if your image or images are chosen.

    So get out your crazy coloring pens, and help us by submitting your vision of what these fun and insane moments might look like.

    Chosen images can earn their artist(s) up to 500 credits per image if your image is chosen to be used for the upcoming event.

    Thank You!
