Külföldi torrent oldalak RetroFlix | RF News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2020. április 13..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
    Kapott lájkok:
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    Happy Easter, happy Free SignUp and happy Freeleech!

    To all our beloved Retros,

    First of all, Happy Easter to everyone celebrating the Resurrection.

    Like every year, this was no exception. So, the Easter Bunny never ceased to bring Surprise Eggs. It came to us and sent his best wishes, regards and respect. The Happy Bunny loves each and every one of you because you never stop respecting authorities’ advice, staying inside and binge-watching every single torrent we have. We thank you very much. We know this is a pretty difficult period for all of us but, as we said earlier, WE WILL WIN! Maybe not today, maybe not next week, but, eventually, WE WILL. TOGETHER!

    As we have promised, some great news are on the way.

    Unfortunately, the first news we are announcing is based on the bad luck of other companions. We know that VHS (VHSTapes.org Tracker), a dedicated to old movies tracker, like RetroFlix is experiencing some problems. Whatever they are going through, we are here to help and we can’t keep our eyes closed nor our backs turned to those in trouble.

    This being said, from now on, the SignUp is open for new members, effective immediately, for a limited amount of time.

    So, if you have any friends that are experiencing any troubles accessing the site, friends who would like to download some other old movies as well as uploading some torrents here, don’t forget to point them in our direction. We accept any user or p2p refugees.

    The freeleech stays up, as we said, until the Coronavirus-COVID19 Pandemic will end. In order to stop it, please,
    Stay Home and keep everyone safe!

    Wait up, the best is yet to come: a new source is set to be implemented over the following weeks. We have noticed some other bugs, so we had to postpone the source upgrade since those bugs are more important at the moment.
    We keep an eye on your suggestions, even though we don’t always reply. Please understand that we never stop trying to keep this site alive and at a high level, like our community. We value every suggestion, every bug report and for sure every single one of you.

    In the end, Happy Easter again!

    We love you and we hope we have made you an offer you couldn’t refuse.

    #Retro Bunny.

    And don't forget : #StayHome #StaySafe !
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